Lautstärke beim Klavier?
Hallo! Ich habe ein Klavierstück, bei dem ich die linke Hand leiser spielen muss als die rechte Hand, die die Melodie spielt. Leider gelingt es mir nicht, die Balance zu finden. Wenn ich die rechte Hand lauter spiele, wird auch die linke Hand lauter, und wenn ich versuche, die linke Hand leiser zu halten, werden beide Hände leiser. Hast du Tipps, wie ich das besser hinbekommen kann? Vielen Dank!
The volume of piano playing is regulated by the arm weight. Not about force or violent movements. It is therefore necessary to train the one arm heavier, the other more easily in the silence.
lg up
First individually and then together, but first offset, the one is first and then the other. Then reduce the distances.
You can first practice this on 2 random notes – one right, one left. Then you try to play them differently loud. If this doesn’t work, you can hit the notes at a very short time, again, differently loud. You reduce the distances until they sound simultaneously. In the piece, you will also go first melody note plus (e.g.) accompanying chord and listen to it;)
Maybe do such exercises and not play the song first but individual notes or conductors
Thank you.
I had the problem too. How exactly it went away I can’t say that actually came when I changed from the e-plan to the acoustic one.
I’ve always tried to play on the left (first time alone) so quietly that you really can’t hear it so quietly. If you get out of the game sometime, you’ll practice to play with the right (first) as loud as you can. At some point you can combine this and see if it worked
Much success
I practice the more difficult hand individually, then the easier and then together.
Hope I could help <3
Thank you very much
No problem at all