Laufleistung Yamaha MT 07?

An die Motorradliebhaber/Kenner unter euch: Wie schätzt ihr die Laufleistung vom Motor der Yamaha MT 07 ein? Ich will mir eine gebrauchte kaufen, bin mir aber unsicher ab welchem Kilometerstand ich lieber die Finger lassen sollte, weil der Motor relativ bald kaputt geht.

Bin über jede Hilfe dankbar!

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2 years ago

No matter what it is:

You can buy a motorbike with 50,000km and it runs another 50,000 if your predecessor and yourself always treated it with care.

Otherwise, you buy one with 1000km and have only problems…

A gambling is always used if one does not pay attention to small things and subtleties (but even then you buy a certain percentage of the cat in the sack).

2 years ago

That’s very important to the previous owner. If you’re not going well with the bike, the engine can fly around your ears after a few days.

If you have a landlord who cares about the machine, 100,000km is not a problem.