Latein abwählen und spanisch wählen?
Ansonsten könnte ich auch ein Jahr Latein weitermachen und dannach komplett ohne 2.Fremdsprache weiterlernen.Ist spanisch denn eine sehr schwere sprache? Ich habe schon ein wenig angefangen auf duolingo vorzulernen falls ich Spanisch wähle.
Lohnt es sich das eine Jahr Latein zu ersparen und stattdessen noch 2 einhalb Jahre spanisch zu lernen?
You’ve seen more of Spanish because it’s actively spoken. It is the second most important language in English. Those who are good in Spanish also understand Italian and Portuguese (the numbers are similar for example).
Latin doesn’t bring you so much.
Depends on how you’re up and what you’re up to. Languages are just learning and employment intensive. In school, I liked to avoid additional work, which is basically a mistake. In retrospect, I think it is very useful to get in touch with many living languages. In this sense, Spanish, depending on future plans, may be more sensible than Latin. With Latin, of course, you already have a good foundation in the backhand, as much can be derived, Spanish is now a Romanesque language, for which there is no better basis by definition than the Latin. If you can do both, it wouldn’t even be wrong.
lg up
In my opinion, Spanish is one of the easy to learn languages.
Whether it’s worth it – for you – depends on whether you want to use language beyond school and maybe also at a higher level. This applies, however, to the content of the entire school curriculum. You can ask the question for each subject.
What I write now has nothing to do with your question:
It is very nice to see that people learn differently as soon as they have the choice. The fact that you do not pose this question with regard to math or German only shows that it is not about you at school, but rather, to formulate it very hard and overshot that you are a Utensil or an object that you need to fulfill your professional life. Imagine for a moment, You would ask the questions at school and the teachers would be the ones who give the answers (most) …
Greeting Matti
Spanish is lighter.
I had Latin and I didn’t get anything. So the little Latinum Spanish would have been more sensible. The assembly is identical to the German or English. You need to learn vocabs bit grammar
I’d do what’s more to me.
I don’t know how Spanish is because I never had