Lästige Schlieren auf der Scheibe?

Guten Morgen,

ich habe mir frisch ein neues Auto gekauft und heute Morgen viel mir auf, dass auf der Scheiben merkwürdige schlieren sind. Allerdings sind sie nicht fühlbar, sondern ebenmäßig mit der Scheibe.

Gestern waren wir in der Waschanlage, wo diese schlieren aber nach dem waschen nicht mehr zu sehen waren.. heute morgen bei der nässe jedoch schon. Wenn ich den Scheibenwischer anmache und er nach links wischt, sind diese schlieren auch weg. Wischt er zurück.. sind sie sichtbar. Wenn man dann fährt und die Scheibe quasi durch den Wind “trocknet” sieht man gar nix mehr.. erst beim wischen wieder.

Hat jemand eine Idee oder weiss jemand sogar, wie ich das gut weg bekomme? Nehme Tipps gerne entgegen… zur Not, gibt es bald eine neue Scheibe 🤣 ich nehme übrigens auch gerne Tipps und gute Erfahrungen zur Reinigung generell an.. Innen unf Außen 😊 auch Cockpit- und Sitzpflege.. oder Lack- und Scheibenpflege!

Hab noch in Bild hinzu gefügt, wo man diese Schlieren erkennen kann, die ich meine. Links z.B…

Danke im Voraus!

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4 years ago

Would clean the pane with window cleaner on the outside. Also the wiper blades.
Could possibly also lie on the windshield wiper water. Evt’s got something wrong or bad in there. It’s easy to test.

4 years ago

Clean your pane properly with rinse water and then with spirit. The slurries come through the wax applied in the washing plant. But after a few days of alone, this has been done again, then the wax is back off the bill

4 years ago

Clean the pane thoroughly. In the cold, there can be slings.

4 years ago

You’re writing a new car to renew Wischblatt? I think your car is new, but needed. It is not self-evident that the predecessor renewed it before your purchase. Now in winter,where often the view is bad due to the weather, I will definitely advise you to new ones.

4 years ago

The dealer told you nonsense. The wiper blades are not new, but must be renewed.

4 years ago

Clean pane and wiper blades thoroughly with spirit so you remove wax residues.

4 years ago
Reply to  26397

On a clean cloth and simply clean. Simple.

4 years ago

Try a disc polish.

4 years ago

Go over with nanopolitur for glass surfaces

4 years ago
Reply to  26397

https://www.amazon.de/bottle autopolitur-MacBRITE-Classic-CarBRIGHT/dp/B00WBJ2DO4/ref=mp_s_a_1_17?dchild=1&keywords=nano+politur&qid=1609831007&sr=8-17

I just found it in the 3 he pack. I used the stuff for a car motorcycle + my shower wall. Doesn’t work well

4 years ago

Simply buy and assemble new wiper blades.

4 years ago
Reply to  Krawallbotz

A new car?

4 years ago
Reply to  hotrod66

I didn’t understand it that it was a new car, but only that the FS bought a new car.

And this can also be a used car.

4 years ago
Reply to  26397

Are there wipers that fit the car?

Even if you had a twingo before, it always depends on the year of construction and series.

I’ve got such slings whenever the wipers are ripe to change

4 years ago

Try cleaning the slices with “Glasrein” – no fun in the weather, but so you can’t drive.

Otherwise look again for other windshield wipers, maybe they are simply of poor quality

4 years ago

I’m also embarrassed.

4 years ago

I agree with you, but the question was quite plausible to me

4 years ago

If you expect a good advice, you should ask the right information.

4 years ago

Oh, you know, it’s early in the morning, and your vocabulary is annoying.

The Fs will already know whether it is a new car or a used new one.

4 years ago

Or wax on the pane.

If I sell my old car and don’t buy me a new car, I’ll buy a used car.

4 years ago

But if I sell my old car and get another one, I’ll buy a new one.

In any case, lubricated front panes/rear panes lie on the wiper blades.

4 years ago

A used one is not a new one.

4 years ago

How long are the wipers on it? I’d renew it.

4 years ago
Reply to  AshleighHoward

A new car?

4 years ago
Reply to  hotrod66

Many people write “new” here and mean a used car.

4 years ago
Reply to  hotrod66

you don’t know how new.

4 years ago
Reply to  26397

by which brand?

4 years ago

hm, they can do something.

4 years ago

see, no new car…

4 years ago

Exactly – should 🙂

4 years ago

You should write what you mean.

4 years ago

we don’t know, whether it’s fresh from the factory or whether it’s got to the dealer, etc.

4 years ago

New is new, freshly bought will probably not be three months ago.