Last Minute Geschenk Eltern?

Hallo zusammen,

ich weiß ich bin sehr knapp an, aber hat jemand eine Idee für ein selbst gemachtes last Minute Geschenk für Eltern? Ich schenke ihnen jedes Jahr etwas gekauftes und auch noch eine Kleinigkeit, die ich selbst gemacht habe. Dieses Jahr habe ich leider keine Idee und ja ich weiß auch, dass ich spät dran bin, aber könnt ihr mir helfen?

LG Julia

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2 years ago

Print a photo collage or an image and put it in a beautiful frame

Describe Christmas recipes and let them bind

write beautiful quotes and do them in 12 envelopes and label the envelopes from January to December, so they have a beautiful quote or picture every month

collect natural materials and bind them to a beautiful cutlery or put them on a plate and add a beautiful figure, which is good at dm, Rossmann, Action, tedi, Kik and co

braid bracelets

or place cheap with other materials beautiful jewelry

self-made bath salt/peeling\soap/Lippenpflege/Kerzen etc

bake cookies or cakes

make baking blends in the glass itself

2 years ago

1.A self-made artwork or photo album: A self-painted picture or a photo album with remembrance photos could be a special gift for parents.

2.A homemade cookbook: For parents who like to cook, a homemade cookbook with their favorite recipes could be a beautiful gesture.

3.A self-made CD or playlist: A CD or playlist with their favorite songs or artists could be a beautiful gift for parents who love music.

4.A homemade jewelry: A necklace, a bracelet or earrings made by hand could be a beautiful and personal gift for parents.

5.A self-made blanket or pillow: A blanket or a pillow sewn by hand could be a special gift for parents, especially if it was designed in their favorite colors or with a pattern they like.

It is important to note that gifts made do not necessarily have to be less valuable than purchased gifts. Often they are even more meaningful as they show that you have taken the time to create something unique and personal for the person you love.

Wish you a lot more fun!

2 years ago

Christmas star with butter bread bags. Just Google. I’d be happy if my daughter gave me something.