Last-minute birthday present for a friend turning 17?

I need your help. My friend (16-year-old) turns 17 tomorrow. I'd like to give him a present, but he lives in the US, which makes things a bit difficult. What would you guys like?

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2 years ago

I’m not m, but w, but still. That he does not live here makes it difficult to send/transmit something material until tomorrow. The only thing you can try tonight by tomorrow morning is to write him a beautiful birthday text.

You could also create a nice short (30 seconds) video. With music that connects you, shared photos, texts that fit you and congratulate your birthday and so.

And then you’ll take some time to send you some.

As an alternative: Order at Amazon and let it deliver to him. With luck, maybe even tomorrow, if you order.

2 years ago
Reply to  LurchSystem

Hey ho. Thank you for the award. Did you do anything well and how did he react?

2 years ago
Reply to  LurchSystem

Sure. It’s the easiest thing. You could create a beautiful file (with a beautiful background, couple photos, digital stickers, a beautiful font..) Everything goes with e.g. open office.