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2 years ago

No, I didn’t even start the first one. And that remains.

2 years ago

If you were just properly informed. If you are only vaccinated twice, you are considered unvaccinated, but not the 3rd. Vaccination has or is 2 times vaccinated + once recovery.

2 years ago

You’re not really informed. From 1 October 2022, it is considered to be completely vaccinated, who has received at least three vaccinations with an approved vaccine, regulated in §22a Infection Protection Act (IfSG). The time interval to the last vaccination is completely irrelevant. What has now been newly decided, these are possible exceptions to the masking requirement for freshly vaccinated persons (fresh= no longer than three months ago) from 01. October 2022. Persons in which the vaccination is longer have to wear a mask in certain areas, except they are currently negatively tested, then not. Exceptions to subjects are mandatory, exceptions to fresh vaccinations may be ordered by countries, but this does not have to be done. Admittedly, somewhat confusing again, until one has understood it, but no, one does not lose its vaccination status, but it can come to a different treatment with regard to the masking obligation.


2 years ago

You got something wrong. You do not have to be inoculated every three months to be considered completely vaccinated. A total of three vaccinations or two vaccinations with additional recovery. Further vaccinations are not required.

2 years ago
  1. You spread Fakenews!
  2. I’m unvaccinated.
2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag

Yes, WIR manage to read this and can also present it with sources and quotes. You can’t do this for unexplainable reasons.

2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag

Well, then just read easily… Google helps you!

2 years ago

Joa, that’s right. Thriller whistle et al. did this too. I just say something: yesterday in the Bundestag it was decided that only e-cars are allowed to drive. Why should I give sources? What was decided yesterday is known and can be read.

2 years ago

Anyone who is vaccinated (also I am vaccinated) counts as unvaccinated from 1.10.

I’m sure there are sources for that too, ne?

Will you be insulted every three months?


2 years ago

But it’s true. From the 1.10 3 vaccinations should be considered to be completely vaccinated (or 2 inoculations + infection)

2 years ago
Reply to  HeinrichPeterI

But there is a huge difference between “you need 3 Vaccines“and you have to all three months inoculate”.

2 years ago

Still not, no.

2 years ago

Where did you hear that? I’m vaccinated three times.

2 years ago
Reply to  cleversunshine

is for people who have no third

2 years ago

I don’t know why 9kiwipertag here this false information is spreading. But you definitely don’t have to be inoculated every 3 months.

2 years ago

am still confused, please explain haha

2 years ago

You are wrongly informed:

From 1 October 2022there is a complete vaccination protection:

  • after three individual vaccinations (the last individual vaccination must be carried out at least three months after the second individual vaccination);
  • after two individual vaccinations:
  • PLUS positive antibody test before the first vaccinationOR
  • PLUS a SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by PCR test before second vaccinationOR
  • PLUS a SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by the PCR test after the second vaccination; since testing must have passed 28 days


2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag


2 years ago
Reply to  Thrillerpfeife

You were faster. I didn’t read the other answers before I wrote something.

2 years ago

No, my last vaccination is 424 days ago and I won’t give me a third. Above all, I’ve already had this and survived it. I don’t need it. I should also have certificate after 1.10 at 2g/2g+

2 years ago

I’m vaccinated every six months, I’m too busy.

2 years ago

No, it’s enough

2 years ago

You got something wrong.


From 1 October 2022there is a complete vaccination protection:

after three individual vaccinations (the last individual vaccination must be carried out at least three months after the second individual vaccination);

after two single vaccinations: PLUS positive antibody test before the first vaccination OR

PLUS a SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by PCR test before second vaccination OR

PLUS a SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by the PCR test after the second vaccination; since testing must have passed 28 days

2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag

That’s it. Because then your question would have been superfluous.

2 years ago

I’m already unvaccinated with Corona…

2 years ago

Yes, as often as it is necessary.

2 years ago
Reply to  9kiwiprotag

I do. I hope so.

2 years ago

What’s that supposed to mean?

You should listen to the end!