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Eye damage can occur in the eye, i.e. combustion of the retina until blinding.
If an industrial laser radiates on its head, it can cut its head by heat.
It’s on the laser. A red laser pointer that focuses on a 0.5cm^2 spot hides you only briefly. A green laser without authorisation, which illuminates directly into the eye at a short distance, can leave permanent damage to the retina. The eyelid reflex is too slow. In an IR laser, this is tricky because you do not see it and therefore no instincts trigger the evasion.
If it is a strong laser with which you cut concrete, for example, the damage is immense and a survival is unlikely. In the case of a particularly strong laser, which operates pulsed e.g. in the region of femtoseconds, it is again harmless: it transforms the surface to which it immediately strikes in plasma, which is itself opaque for further radiation. Therefore, for example, the cornea of the eye can be operated.
This depends entirely on the respective laser class. In principle, all laser classes can be dangerous for the eye. Laser class 1 is not dangerous for the body itself. But of course there are also lasers that can shoot the head. No one’s wearing this.
Yes can happen.
In head garnix
In the eye – you can get health damage.
What do you mean?
In the eye mainly retina damage.