
Okay hallo erstmal. Gestern so um 21:00 Uhr war ich mit meiner Frau und dem Hund draußen spazieren. Habe den Hund ein bisschen herumlaufen lassen auf der Wiese (mit langer trainingsleine ca. 3m)

Da kommt son Geländewagen ganz langsam angefahren und fährt wirklich langsam an uns vorbei, bleibt stehen und fährt wieder weiter aber noch immer mit ca. 5-10 kmh und hält auch öfter mal an. So ca. 200-500m entfernung am Waldrand bei einer kleinen gabelung bleibt der Wagen stehen, Fenster oder Türe wurde geöffnet und ein kleines rotes Licht war zu sehen. Die Person hatte dann dieses Licht auf uns gerichtet für ein paar Sekunden (könnte ein laser gewesen sein) hat dann auch in den wald geläuchtet und ist danach weiter gefahren.

So, meine Frage ist: was könnte dieses rote Licht genau gewesen sein?

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2 years ago

Window or door was opened and a small red light was visible. The person had then directed this light on us for a few seconds

First of all, before there are all possible answers:

See my demand above.

  • WO GENAU was to see the red spot or the red light? It depends on what it might have been. Did a red light shine in/before the car? Or where exactly was the light you saw?
  • And what exactly do you mean “directed to you”? Did the light in/before the car show only in your direction and then turned away again? Like a flashlight that was swung in your direction and then moved on? Or what do you mean “directed to you”?

This can – until we get very precise details from you – have been all possible and must basically mean nothing at all.

According to your current description, this may have been, for example, simply a headlamp with red light LED that the person in question had on his head. And after stopping / leaving, he just looked with his head in your direction. 🤷

2 years ago
Reply to  Benjamin736

All right.

Can’t have been a flashlight (stirn lamp) with red light LED, so what helps to do without shying up all the wild and becoming blind at night. If he then looks in your direction, then “show” that also on you and the small LED looks from your perspective like a “light point” that is directed at you.

That’s why my demand.

2 years ago

Probably just wanted to be angry
Can also have been the Foerster the funny method has to sell people, many of whom have nen Knacks 😀

2 years ago

My guess would be just a flashlight with red light filter. They use hunters at night to orient themselves without losing their night vision.

2 years ago

Heat image camera – such a bullshit. Hopefully you have the car code to display right away. This is a red-point operation, which is mounted on a hunting rifle, with the laser beam allowing shooting in the night. Apart from the fact that the stuff is forbidden, one must assume that the person with the weapon has targeted you. Meaning: Hunting license goes and off, into construction.

2 years ago

Guess someone wanted to annoy you with a laser pointer according to the motto, “I got you in sight.”

By the way, it’s a crime to dazzle someone with it.

There’s an assault here.

INFO: bans/#table

2 years ago

Probably thermal imaging camera.