Lars Mittank – es fehlen 3 Stunden Videomaterial vom Flughafen?

Er kam am Flughafen gegen gegen 6 Uhr an und sollte um 9 Uhr zurück nach Deutschland fliegen. Wie ist es möglich das 3 Stunden Videomaterial einfach so fehlen? Der komplette Flughafen wird doch Videoüberwacht, wie es möglich das nichts dazu gibt ausser die paar Sequenzen wo er davon rennt.

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3 years ago

Well, that you don’t make 3 hours of video material accessible to the public, I don’t think it’s so “smelling”.

I think the “most important” was shown. On his arrival, Lars didn’t seem really noticeable. He asked about the way to the airport doctor.

Then you’ll see the most violent scene and that’s the one where he runs panically around his life. The most obvious thing is that nobody follows him.

Yes, and then you can see how he’s running and finally jumping over your wire fence.

At the Mittank case, I only thought about organ trade because it was in Bulgaria. But meanwhile, I’m sure no one had it for him and he unfortunately suffered a psychosis.