Laptop startet mit m.2 SSD nicht, ohne aber schon?

Guten Abend,

ich habe ein Lenovo Thinkpad p50 ( das dürfte das richtige sein). Dieser hat zwei m.2 SSD Anschlüsse. Da die erste m.2 (SATA) SSD dem Geist aufgegeben hat. D.h. nach dem Start und dem Lenovo Logo kam die Meldung „Error detected on SSD“ (in etwa). Ich habe nun eine neue gekauft und eingebaut. Das Problem: der Rechner startet mit dieser nicht. Kein Bild, der Start-Knopf leuchtet gelb und man hört nichts. Jedoch ohne die m.2 SATA ssd eingebaut, kommt man ganz normal ins BIOS und der Rechner startet.

Woran kann das liegen? Die SSD ist nagelneu und wurde ordnungsgemäß eingebaut.

Hat jemand Ideen bzw. ist diese nicht kompatibel?

Links die neue, rechts die alte SSD

Die SSD slots. Beide probiert, jeweils das gleiche Ergebnis wie oben beschrieben.

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1 year ago


Since it is both M.2 SATA B+M Key SSD’s, the exchange should be possible without any problems. However, the laptop will not start with the new SSD as long as no operating system is installed. The previous operating system installation has died with the old SSD. But this is a later problem, because first of all the laptop has to be switched on correctly with the new SSD and that does not happen.

Either the new SSD is defective or the BIOS/UEFI of the laptop has a compatibility problem with the new SSD. A BIOS/UEFI update may then help.

In rare cases, it may happen that the OEM manufacturer of a laptop or desktop PC’s has blocked the operation of extension cards in the BIOS firmware that were not authorized for use by the device manufacturer. However, this usually only affects WLAN cards and not the data carriers. At least that would be new to me.

mfG computer tomb

1 year ago

That’s the jumping punk that’s brand new.

1 year ago
Reply to  Guguchvugojucz

Just turn Windows on.

1 year ago

The stick starts too soon.

1 year ago

Yes, then the screen starts again, but then no SSD is available for Windows installation.

1 year ago

It’s not a record.

1 year ago

Like when no image is output.

1 year ago

Windows stick in and try.

1 year ago

…. No picture, the start button shines yellow and you hear nothing. ….

In order to install Windows, the display should start and the Start button should probably light green and not yellow. I don’t think it’s the Windows that hasn’t been installed yet if it doesn’t even concern the display when the SSD is installed. The computer does not come until Windows Start.