Laptop langsam, wird eine ssd 100%helfen?
Moin Leute, ich war bei meinem cousin und saß bisschen an seinem Laptop und mir ist aufgefallen das sein Laptop echt langsam ist. Der Laptop braucht cirka 40-50sekunden nur um die Windows Einstellungen zu öffnen und reagiert immer sehr spät (im Sinne von irgendein Programm öffnen)
Dann hab ich mal geschaut was für eine Festplatte verbaut ist, und hab gesehen dass es eine Hdd war.
Nun möchte ich ihn heute eine ssd einbauen damit alles schneller läuft.
Wird die ssd aufjedenfall helfen oder kann es auch z.B an der CPU (1.70ghz) liegen was ich nicht denke. Ich möchte einfach nur nicht das mein cousin sich eine ssd kauft und sich danach nichts ändert , was ich nicht denke. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit das alles dann schneller läuft ist hoch oder ?
I assume that this is the state if you have not started any programs/apps, processes etc.
So slow is not HDD. A SSD brings a few tenths of seconds time gain when a simple program (such as Windows settings) is opened, a maximum of a few seconds.
1.7 GHz are not fast for today’s standards, but still more than half as fast as 3 GHz, that would be a factor 2, which can be obtained in processes with very many processing steps, usually clearly below.
Since I think it is the most likely that the system is “enveloped”, i.e. a lot of unused stuff is active, that the memory is occupied and/or uses computing power. Worst event malware (especially “Cryptocurrency Mine”).
Look at the “Resource Monitor” how strong CPU, memory and disks are loaded and which processes are responsible for the greatest utilization. If there’s nothing striking to see, start the resource monitor as an administrator. If there is still nothing noticeable, only a new installation of Windows (also resetting to delivery condition – if the system is guaranteed to be virus-free).
It may also be that any setting has faded, then a “repair installation” or, if necessary, a resetting to the delivery state helps.
A SSD actually brings some things when the garbage in the background has a lot of memory – then parts of the memory are stored on the disk, which costs a lot of time. However, only the actual problem deteriorates a little (and does not do the SSD well – much too many writing processes). And it is still not guaranteed that the device will run liquid.
Can be good the Windows could reinstall again. I’d rather say that the box has too little RAM. So it’s always on the cake and the HDD just slows out radically. Increase RAM and switch to SSD could be a miracle here. I’ve had it very often with old boxes (no matter whether desktop or mobile).
You’re right – it might be a device designed for Windows 7 or even XP and is completely overloaded with Windows 11. To judge this, you need details – like the model name.
You get that kind of information… if you ever ask for 3x. :
Just when opening programs lasts too long, an SSD almost always helps, but just when the CPU is very slow, the question is how much better it really is. The RAM can also play a role here.
SSDs are not very expensive if you do not need a huge capacity, so it is always worth a try.
Wanted to buy a 120gb ssd which is enough. If only 20-35€ so yes, it’s worth a try. But I want to make sure it’s going well. It doesn’t have to run perfectly, but it should work noticeably faster.
Yes, the installation of an SSD will usually significantly improve the speed of your cousin’s laptop. HDDs are much slower than SSDs, especially when access times and data transmission rates are used. With an SSD, booting Windows and opening programs becomes much faster.
However, the CPU can also play a role. If it is older or weak, it could limit the overall speed of the system. In most cases, however, you will experience a noticeable improvement in system response and speed. If the HDD is the main cause for slow performance, the SSD will definitely help.
So if the laptop needs a minute until it opens settings then I think that ne SSD brings nix. It’s worth trying.
Sounds more like too little memory… RAM and SSD can help
As far as I’m concerned he has 3gb RAM, which he can use, which is really little.
But the laptop is sold in the store. I don’t think you’re selling a nail new laptop with too little RAM so that the eternity needs to open normal setting or?
nothing is for eternity, but if you can learn it, then 8 GB would be installed…