Laptop langsam?
Ich hab vor paar monaten einen laptop gekauft ansich ein simples model hab aber auf gute Specs geachtet ,was heißt gut aufjedenfall gut genug für die Uni.Eine AMD Ryzen 5 5500U mit 16 gb Speicher sind eingebaut
Aber inzwischen ist er irgdenwie lahm er braucht immer bissle bis er in fahrt kommt ,ich versteh nicht wieso. So nach 10-15 min läuft er wieder flott
Was kann die ursache sein und was kann ich tun?
I’d guess that there’s more software going on with time. Could of course also be on updates… then it could be an almost full hard drive that the outsourcing file has its challenge. Or any new energy potentials that are even more economical, but to paralyze the box
so I still have 800 gb
If enough :-). When is he slow? Just by boating? There’s a program autoruns at the Chip page, so you can check what’s started and throw things out. Often programs are also searched that are no longer there
you could look in Task Manager (which one usually opens by right-clicking on the taskbar at the bottom), which apps are automatically started, which are usually any pre-installed apps, such as Skype etc., and turn off on them. If this doesn’t work, it might also be because the memory is too full and you can delete some data/apps.
L. (M/14)
Was with me too. Laptop had started at 100°C and I exchanged the heat-conducting paste. Run better now, but still not good. Costs only 5€ and could help (have now 85°)