Laptop kaputt Angst Eltern zu sagen?
Ich bin w/14 und ich bin vor ein paar Monaten aus Versehen auf meinen Laptop gestanden, das Display ist jetzt kaputt. Es war ein Geschenk meines Opas und meine Eltern werden SOOO sauer sein wenn sie es rausfinden.
Das Problem: Meine Mutter meinte sie braucht den Laptop am Wochenende für die Arbeit. Ich meinte das geht klar aber ich KANN ihr die Wahrheit einfach nicht sagen.
Ich habe mir überlegt zu sagen dass ich den Laptop einfach nicht mehr finde und ich keine Ahnung habe wo er hin ist.
Ich bin verzweifelt es war wirklich ein Versehen was kann ich nur tun? Habt ihr Ideen was ich sonst noch sagen kann? Bitte allerdings nicht sagen ich soll einfach die Wahrheit sagen ihr versteht das nicht 🙁
I think you either have to tell the truth, even if it’s hard, or try to fix the laptop if that’s possible 😊
You should tell your mother that the laptop is broken. She leaves you here.
I’m going out of here.
I’d be mad if you don’t care about such an expensive gift from your grandpa. I’d probably tell Grandpa about it.
But to a lot more mad, I’d be if you lie to me that I can use the laptop. My trust in you would first be destroyed and I would ask myself where I failed in education so that you don’t even have enough character to stand for your mistakes.
My grandpa is dead:( Nevertheless, thanks for the answer
I’m sorry your grandpa died. Don’t you want to say that?
It’s a scary end, a scary end!
You should tell your parents because your mom can take care of another laptop if she urgently needs one!
In addition, you can have this repair, or buy it relatively cheaply!
In addition, this can happen even if it is annoying and a pity (because it was a gift).
There is probably no easier way around and no shortcut I fear!
Just say it fell down without you want it? Are you honest? Otherwise Joa they will see it sooner or later…
Something can happen. Just tell the truth
Then give her the laptop. She’ll remember.
Just say you had the laptop to school and the bus or train had to make a full brake. Problem solved
Trains can not make full braking, or a full braking in the train is still quite slow T°T
We have Monday, and your mother needs a working laptop on weekends for her work where she assumes to use yours.
There’s nothing left to you to say that the part is broken. Are you serious about getting trouble with her work on Saturday?
No matter how mad they are when you tell them today, that it doesn’t matter if your mother only finds out on Saturday that he’s broken.
In that case, the truth is also the best option in my opinion. You didn’t make it intentionally, and the gift of the grandpa “slope” doesn’t make it much better.
I think it’s a story about why the laptop isn’t going, but it’s not possible to say it.