Laptop im Handgepäck – wird das Gewicht des Laptops abgezogen?

Hallo, ich fliege morgen mit der Lufthansa von München, nun habe ich vorschriftsgemäß meinen Laptop im Handgepäck. Das Handgepäck darf bei der Lufthansa max. 8kg wiegen. Jetzt frage ich mich ob das Gewicht von meinem Laptop abgezogen wird, da es beim scannen separat in einer Wanne liegt. Dürfte ich dann theoretisch noch bis 8 kg packen obwohl der Laptop noch reinkommt?

ich hoffe es ist einigermaßen verständlich formuliert 😂

Hat jemand Erfahrung?

danke im Voraus

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5 years ago

This is handled generously. If the hand luggage is significantly heavier, someone asks whether electronics are in it. If you call a laptop, you will be charged 2 kg and you can take it. Then you can call nich large Digicam, electric toothbrush, powerbank, tablet, mobile speakers, of course all with lithium batteries that are not allowed to enter the cargo bay. And then you also come to the cabin with 12 kg, an additional small handbag is always allowed. Only the bag should not be too big.

5 years ago

I don’t see what’s so complicated about the LH regulations.

A hand luggage in the Eco is a hand luggage and 8 kg are and remain 8 kg. How they come about – whether through a box of lead or champagne bottles, doesn’t matter.

And as LH says: “We then check your hand baggage at the departure ports for the permitted dimensions, quantity and weight.”

5 years ago

When scanning in the security check is not weighed. We’ll get used to check in. So laptop incl. bag

5 years ago

It is no longer weighed because you put the baggage yourself on the machine when you give it up, check it online and never meet anyone until you go on board. There’s no one to weigh.

5 years ago
Reply to  Cosmovision

Hand luggage means, however, because it is not abandoned but taken into the cabin. And what LH says: “We then check your hand baggage at the departure ports for the permitted dimensions, quantity and weight.”

5 years ago

Yeah, you can.

5 years ago
Reply to  mondfaenger

Not necessary. The laptop can remain in the hand luggage, in the roll trolley or whatever, only needs to be taken out at Security Check and will be illuminated separately.

5 years ago
Reply to  Cosmovision

That’s clear. I meant about the weight.