Laptop aufrüsten?

Moin zusammen,

ich habe mir vor 2/3 monaten ca. ein Msi Laptop (Intel i5, RTX 4050, 16gb Ram, 500gb speicher) geholt und ich wollte es aufrüsten da ich mometan nicht wirklich das budget habe. ich bin content creator und bearbeite mit softwares wie premiere pro und after effects. mir ist die leistung wichtig was auch gerade so in ordnung ist. mein budget liegt bei 300€ und ich dachte mir eine ssd von samsung zu holen entweder die t7 oder t9 ich kann mich nicht entscheiden. und ich wollte fragen ich mein laptop ausbauen kann und mein ram erhöhen kann in dem ich diese karte oder so ersetze? sorry bin kein profi was das angeht aber ich dachte wenn man sich ein laptop kauft, dass man es nicht mehr ändern kann ist anscheinend nur bei apple so 👀 ich wollte halt die profis fragen die mir alles beantworten können!!

Vielen Dank!!!!

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10 months ago

Ram and hard drive can only be replaced. Everything else is firmly soldered (CPU, for example). In the hard drive it is necessary to pay attention to whether a normal SSD or the M.2 SSD is also called NVME. But T7 and T9?

The T9 Portable is faster. The T7 Shield has a maximum reading speed of 1.050 MB/s. The T9 Portable, on the other hand, total 2,000 MB/s. Maximum write speed at the T7 Shield is 1000 MB/s. The T9 Portable is 1.950 MB/s. I’d take the T9 Portable!

It is best to deal with the manufacturer. Or find a guide or similar on the net. It is different from laptop to laptop!

But 16gb Ram is good enough. Only on the hard drive would I install a larger one. In most cases, a small flap on the ground would have to be screwed up to install a small M.2 SSD. Like RAM. But as I said, different.

10 months ago

With CPU upgrades, you should better write the manufacturer by email if your laptop can do that at all. Due to the bios, many laptops can also only recognize a CPU because the bios are often so restricted that there is no room for more information about the CPU models. Also, there are models where the CPU is firmly soldered to the motherboard and thus is not interchangeable (SoC) .For ram, also write to the manufacturer to send you a memory list in which there is which ram bars you can use without which you can get problems. m.2 If your laptop has any limitations regarding size, also here the manufacturer questions. many information can also be found by the manufacturer about the technical specifications, but not everything. Therefore, it is better to contact the manufacturer. Feels approx. 3000 different laptop models exist on the market. No one knows the specifications of all models.

10 months ago

CPU and graphics card can usually not be exchanged for laptops.

For SSD there are usually one or rarely two installation sites. Exchange is simple for many factories when the geometric and electrical specifications are correct. In some models, however, the exchange can also be very expensive. Do not forget the data from the old record to the new one.

RAM can generally be installed one or two bars. Here too, the specifications must be correct. Mostly, the already installed RAM has to soften. With mixed fittings, the slowest indicates the tone. There are also models where the RAM is firmly soldered.

So exactly research what’s going on, what specifications the parts have to have and ultimately how it is. Not every shop takes back purchases.

10 months ago
Reply to  videoeditor533

Only the USB version and the port are of interest.

But you only gain storage capacity, no power.

The manufacturer is important for durability and speed.

Attention to me, SSD has already failed from one second to the next and without warning, which has not been otherwise secured, is gone.

10 months ago

No chance, it won’t.

Sell and buy new.

10 months ago

With a Laptpo, you can only replace RAM and hard drive by default.