Seit ich ein Tablett habe, benutze ich meinen Laptop kaum noch, weil es Minuten braucht, bis er hochgefahren ist.
Hat das einen Nachteil?
Seit ich ein Tablett habe, benutze ich meinen Laptop kaum noch, weil es Minuten braucht, bis er hochgefahren ist.
Hat das einen Nachteil?
Hallo Leute, heute in der Schule waren wir im Technik Raum darauf hin hat ein Freund von mir sein Laptop auf denn Boden in die Ecke gestellt er war offen und war am Laden unabsichtlich ist mir was drauf gefallen und darauf hin ist er kaputt gegangen ist das meine Schuld übernehme ich die Kosten…
Hey, ich habe vor Informatik zu studieren. Dafür wäre ein Laptop von Vorteil. Nur mir stellt sich die Frage, welcher am geeignetsten wäre. Ich überlege mir ein MacBook Air mit M2 Chip und 16GB RAM zu holen. Ist dieser gut genug? Oder gibt es da bessere? Danke schonmal
Hallo Leute, Ich wollte mir After Effects holen um Proffesionel zu editen. Meine Frage wäre ob man mit Games editen noch mehr Ausgaben hat. Wie für bessere Grafik, Clips, usw..
Es scheint, dass auf meinem M1 MacBook plötzlich dünnere Streifen erscheinen, die besonders gut bei einem grauen Hintergrund sichtbar sind. Der Laptop ist nicht heruntergefallen.
you can, for just a few euros,
make extremely quick and easy.
Aspire 3 A315-53 Disassembly. Memory Upgrade
Screw the two maintenance flaps at the bottom.
A SSD and a RAM module (8 or 16GB DDR4 SO DIMM).
You don’t have to disassemble the device if you want.
For battery exchange, antennas or for dust extraction.
And then reposition.
Thank you for this detailed answer.
Of course, I can’t do this myself, but I now know what can be done.
Depends on that. I wouldn’t want to write larger texts on the tablet. But surfing the net and videos is the tablet more convenient.
There is no disadvantage.
On the edge, a half-way modern notebook is ready for use within a few seconds. In addition, there is the hibernation mode where your laptop comes up faster.
If gaming is a topic, a corresponding notebook would also be better.
But since you write, your laptop needs to drive up forever, the device will still boot from a hard drive. So already be an older model, so gaming is estimated to be no topic.
I bought my Acer laptop Aspire 3 in May 2019.
Can he be so slow? What if he didn’t work anymore?
Is the tray still going?
The speed of the laptop does not necessarily have what to do with the year of construction.
You have a model with a hard drive. If they were replaced by an SSD, the device would be accelerated.
If the tablet is sufficient for your purposes, it’s good.
If you’re satisfied with a tablet, it’s supi. Laptops are equipped with a keyboard and have a clear advantage when it comes to writing. Tablets offer advantages in classic surfing, streaming and graphic work.
It’s not a correct answer from you.
My question is:
Does my laptop have to be connected so I can get data on tablet and smartphone? If my laptop is no longer working, can I still do everything on tablet and smartphone?
My laptop needs several minutes to drive up, so I mainly use my tablet.
Simply install fast SSD into the laptop.
And/or used hibernation.
Then he’ll be in a few seconds.
Most tablets also need about 15 seconds to drive up. That should work with the laptop. And if you have him in sleep/standby then he’s about a second how to unlock a tablet home…
Tablet has less software.
I don’t know how to install SSD.
Depends on the laptop.
Screw it, hdd out, ssd in.
I don’t know where the tablet is to be a disadvantage.
As some others have already written, a tablet is great if you are satisfied with it.
You need to read my question correctly!
I hadn’t asked if a tray was a bad one. On the contrary, I do not use my laptop for several weeks and my question is:
If my tablet and smartphone still works, should my laptop no longer be up?
I’ve mentioned in my question that my tray is very slow.
Should be called a laptop.
Tablet is great.
Oh, oh, sorry. I guess I had misunderstood her question.
If I understood it right now, nothing should happen to their devices. Even if they sometimes bsw. only use their smartphone, but the other devices should lie down, the garkein problem should be. Please only consider that if they are their devices for larger periods, such as approx. Do not want to use 1 month, they charge the battery to 50-70% so that it does not damage it.
Laptop is always on the power.
So always loaded.
Okay. Have a nice day.
If the tablet is enough for your applications, you don’t have any disadvantages…
More specifically:
If my laptop can no longer be switched on for any reason or would be defective, will I still get to my data on my tablet and smartphone? Always connected my laptop because I don’t know if it’s necessary.
The laptop should be better for school.
Simply install a keyboard on the laptop
There’s a keyboard on my model.