Langzeitmiete; Sixt Abo, Sixt Unlimited, Meine Langzeitmiete?

Hi Leute ich habe Interesse an einer Langzeitmiete sollte relativ einfach und günstig sein. Kennt sich jemand mit den Oben genannten Anbietern aus oder hat schon Erfahrung sammeln können ?

Autoklasse Golf, 1er, A-klasse.

leasing kommt nicht in Frage da ich mich nicht binden möchte.

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4 years ago

Just ask yourself how many kilometers you make in the year. These companies want to earn money and these prices are quite extreme. In many big cities, you can borrow cars on time and simply leave somewhere where it is allowed to be paid after kilometers. Leasing is only interesting for companies and for people who do not drive more than 5-10Tkm a year, as well as always have to have the latest model. For all others, an annual car or a good used person is the cheapest choice.

4 years ago

let you create offers.

by an accident I had a rental car for about 14 days. Cost: slightly over 1000€

paid the insurance.

4 years ago

Personal leasing?