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2 years ago

I myself had never been in long-term therapy, but a friend of mine was 6 months in the Salus Clinic near Cologne.

6 months is the maximum. Most people stay only 3 months.

However, as he was polytoxicomane, he was granted six months.

Detoxification/deprivation does not make all patients there, but already before.

In the long-term clinics it is about maintaining abstinence, regenerating physically and mentally and developing new life perspectives.

He did well.

But one should realize that even patients who have successfully completed a long-term therapy have quite high relapse rates.

All right.

2 years ago

It is always worth taking a longer consumption break, reflecting and ultimately deciding whether to continue and how to continue.

Long-term therapies are helpful far away from home and far from the possibility of substance procurement.

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