Länger Zocken?
Bin 14 und muss jedes mal um 10 uhr offline und schlafen. ( es sind ferien ) Alle meine Freunde zocken bis in die Nacht und ich verpasse alles. In letzter Zeit versuche ich meinen Vater zu überreden auch so lange wach zu bleiben und zu spielen. ( es sind ja schließlich sommerferien ). Bis er heute ausgerastet ist. Nun bin ich wie ein Gefangener. Er hat mir Zettel geschrieben von meinem Tagesablauf. Ich darf nix mehr. Er versteht einfach nicht das ich kein Kind mehr bin und ruhig alleine enscheiden kann wann und wie ich wachbleib oder zocke. ( so wie meine freunde halt ) Bin ja schließlich heillich wach weil ich so früh nicht schlafen kann , was auch kein unterscheid macht. Wie seht ihr das ?
Legally, you haven’t been a child for a short time, yet you’re far too young to make such decisions responsibly. Apart from that, you have to do and leave what your guardians say and that’s still a few years.
I find your father’s decision absolutely right. That seems to be a reasonable man. The parents of your friends are the problem.
No, he’s not. Otherwise, he wouldn’t blow me or insult me.
If a 14-year-old is unintentional and renitent, there’s nothing left to him. I wouldn’t allow you to zoom. That’s what makes you sick.
No, not always, only if it gets out of control.
With such PC games, you always get into a sog…
Children should play a lot, it’s just part of childhood. But since you, as you have confirmed, are no longer a child, you should start to deal with real life. This also includes a regulated daily routine. The whole night is absolutely wrong. So again: your father is absolutely right!
Much makes addiction. As long as you keep it within the framework, it’s all but bad. Periods and finished.
Zocken makes addiction – that’s always bad.
Second, your sleep rhythm gets out of balance.
Why are you still awake?
Your body needs sleep to grow and your brain to process the things of the day.
Of course it does, there are always other ways than blows and insults.
but tell me what’s so bad about it during the holidays.
I see this so that the parents of your friends make a mistake and don’t hide controlled conditions.
With 14 you need to sleep and don’t have to get the nights in front of the PC around your ears. When are you going to sleep?
You’re ruining your sleep rhythm. The holidays are faster than you can see.
As a father, I’d make sure you go to bed in time. It is technically not a problem to disable the WLAN from 22:00. You can discuss it until you get black.
Your father does the right thing if he doesn’t let you sit down to the night, but you’re not a child anymore but a minor, and your father decides how long you can sit down and stay awake. As a 14-year-old, you have no decision-making power.
The consequences he has drawn, however, are also exaggerated.