Lange Shorts im Thermalbad?
Hallo, melde mich mal zum Jahres – wechsel bei euch.
Mir ist es in der letzten Zeit wieder aufgefallen, dass junge Männer lange Knielange Shorts im Thermalbad tragen.
Ich finde, an denen sieht das richtig hässlich aus. Ihre Freundin oder ihre Frau trägt richtige Badebekleidung, Bikini und das sieht Top aus. Und die laufen so im Thermalbad herum…warum müssen die keine richtige Badehosen anziehen, wie die Vorschrift es vorschreibt?
Keine richtige Badehose, sonst gäbe es keinen Einlass in das Thermalbad. Überall steht das Wasser auf den Fliesen= rutschgefahr.
I can only agree with you.
Unfortunately, all of them are totally irradiated by the prudent USA and dare to attract nothing else. You could see that they are men and have a penis 😱 Very bad!
The most embarrassing thing I still find is the weak mats that still pull a underpants under. They’re really too stupid to wear a swimsuit. 🤦 ♂️ “From back to primary school” you can only arrange.
Super well written by you. Thank you.
…and the designer sub-bux below. I also think that you should get there, but if you look at the client that shows up, I can understand if the staff doesn’t lose a word.
Edit: Writing error..
I’m quite right, the women dressed super top and the men. Running like punks through the thermal bath. 🤣
Most men in the thermal bath wear long swim shorts, but not only since yesterday.
I guess they’re afraid you could see something. Or they believe the sayings that tight swimsuits crawl and the best piece does not fit in. What is definitely wrong with the right model.
Thought it would have religious reasons, but if the accompaniment walks around in the bikini, probably not….
The women are pretty dressed in the thermal bath in bikini, tankini or in a swimsuit. The men with their long shorts run around in the thermal bath like penners.
Male Muslims would have to cover their knees – but I have never seen them consciously. But as I said, they don’t run around with bikini girls.
However, I have not seen penners in long swimsuits yet;-)