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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Although it is not possible for strangers from the internet to reliably expose them from remote diagnosis, it seems relatively obvious that there is a connection between consumption and symptoms. There are many questions in which minors usually describe their uncertainties arising during or after cannabis use. They usually go back.

Now consumption hasn’t been very long for you. In your place, I’d go to bed today and see how it is tomorrow.

Just when you’re younger, you should wait with the use of cannabis and other drugs. Consumption is less risky when the body incl. Brains have grown up and the naturally labile phase of puberty has been overcome.

You can find many general information about the possible effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption here:

Good luck!

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  XatarsKoefte48


Not really, no. After 4-5 hours, the effect has not even been fully flattened.

2 years ago

Yes, it is. The stuff is getting stronger and more effective. I recommend:

A) sort to change


B) Take breaks (1-2 months) between the ground

2 years ago

No, of course not you just need to learn to deal with these emotions

2 years ago

The “Ciffing” is used for this. To become high and to take distance to reality

2 years ago
Reply to  XatarsKoefte48

I can’t tell them because I didn’t cry. In case of complaints, you can go to the doctor. Thanks to confidentiality, you can talk to her openly