Lange Bus Fahrt, essen für Rückfahrt?

Hi, ich fahre bald 17 Stunden, mit dem Bus nach Rom und während der Fahrt braucht man ja was zum Essen. Für die Hinfahrt kann ich ja was mitnehmen, was vom Kühlen her ja geht, aber wie mach ich das bei der Rückfahrt? Ich bin in einer Reisegruppe unterwegs was dann in meinem Fall heißen würde ich kann nichts kaufen. Ich hab dort zwar einen Kühlschrank aber wie hält das bis es im Kühlschrank ist?

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11 months ago

Bread tomato cucumbers and a piece of cheese.

Nuts and raisins, water

That’s enough.

You’re safe to stop somewhere, and you can buy something warm

11 months ago
Reply to  Ginny11081981

I always come very far with dried fruits, nuts, chocolate and apple.

Of course water

11 months ago

Even if you are travelling with a group of travellers, you will probably not spend 24 hours a day together or you know the question mark so that still there is still time for yourself on the last day before departure or rather on the day of departure. Or you have to pack so much from Germany that it is enough for you to go back and forth. So things like nuts, cookies, packed chocolate rolls, etc. In terms of which have long been holding and which do not need cooling

11 months ago

I’m sure there’s something on the bus. At the petrol station there are also ways to get something to eat.