Land oder Stadt?
Würdet ihr von der Stadt aufs Land ziehen, wenn ja warum?
hallo hier ist aischa und ich wollte wissen wie ich von deutschland aus nach mekka ziehen kann und die mit normalen preisen ist also nichts mit “unötigem kram so wie pool brauch kein mensch” … so zwischen 300€ und 900 liegen soll unter anderem auch ob und wie kann ich dort mein abitur machen ich…
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Ich glaube ich bin der Frankreich Fan, obwohl Italien irgendwie das bessere Essen hat. Findest du Frankreich oder Italien insgesamt schöner?
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I grew up on the land, then pulled into the city – would not have to go back to the land.
So both are good?
always depends.
at the land is quieter and more relaxed. you are easier to get in touch with people and actually always have jmd that can help you iwo if you need jmd.
in the city have more opportunities to go on, meet almost always new people because they are much more than at the village and you don’t have to drive min car.
always depends on what age you are and what you like to do. if you are not a disco-man, but rather on fire-resistance-proof. then it is better to land. If you like to go shopping or don’t like to do with people, the city is more anonymous.
I live and enjoy the tranquility, the low costs, the people, the empty streets and supermarkets and the available parking spaces.
In the (great)town it would be too loud, hectic and too expensive to me, the people are distant and only busy with themselves and the streets and parking are full.
I don’t know an advantage to live in a city.
naja everything is near
No, it’s never everything close. Something’s gone. Even the social environment (Friends, Family) does not exist, so you have to drive to another place all the time.
In addition: in the city are the goals not nearbyThe nearby are. I can call you here 5 things that are not close to any big city.
I’m dependent on the car anyway, so it doesn’t matter whether 3 or 5 out of 100 destinations I’m starting a month are nearby.
very beautiful
Right. That’s why I don’t live in a loud city, but in the country.
so I wouldn’t care if everyone were gone anyway
I just want to go straight to the country. I/we live now on the outskirts of a beautiful small town. It’s coming over a lot.
No, we live on the outskirts of a small town and that fits perfectly.