LAN Verbindungsprobleme, wie kriege Ich’s behoben?
Hi Leute, ich werde einfach mal direkt konkret:
Also, Ich und mein Freund wollen Stronghold Crusader miteinander spielen, dabei gibt’s aber ein Problem. Wir wohnen etwas voneinander entfernt weswegen wir versucht haben das Spiel über einen Drittanbieter online zu spielen. (Stronghold Crusader ist aus 2002 und der Drittanbieter heißt Gameranger)
Aber das funktionierte leider nicht.
Jedenfalls habe Ich versucht bei mir Zuhause eine LAN Verbindung zwischen 2 PCs her zu stellen.(Beide PCs waren mit dem selben Router per Kabel verbunden.) Ich habe das einfach über einen Ping per Windows Powershell gemacht, jedoch erkennen sich die 2 PCs nicht, der Ping kommt nicht an. Der eine läuft auf Windows 10 und der andere auf 11. Zur Zeit der Ping-Sendung war die Firewall auf beiden Geräten deaktiviert.
Hat einer von euch eine Idee wie man die 2 verbunden kriegt und dann zusammen Crusader drauf zocken? Sind sie einfach zu Modern oder hab Ich was übersehen?
LG Anonym
What IP address did you use to test and where did you get this?
All this doesn’t really have anything to do with your question.
Game ranker works via P2P, so the host of the game needs a publicly routable IP address for it and has to make a port release for the software; cf.
(The data given under DIESEM link only refer to my setup us may be different with you; the link that suits you will be displayed if you click ‘Host’ under Game Rangers, then confirm the setting for the respective game and click ‘Learn more’ on the following error message.)
If that’s done, it should actually work.
I tried this with the public IP, but unfortunately it didn’t work, I had put it manually to 16,000 but that didn’t help. I’ll try the other configurations again tomorrow. Thanks for the info. :3
Ping to the public IP will probably not work this way or so, and if then the router is likely to respond.
What about 16,000? Where exactly?
The IP addresses were from the computers, I also had them displayed via Powershell.
How did you read this exactly? And what addresses were that?
Hi again, Today I really tried everything. I have tried manually in the router settings (my router is a Fritzboy) to put the port of my PC at UDP to 16,000 or from start 16,000 to 16,000 endports, but he then somehow assigned a UDP port of 16,062 or 26,000 or so. I can’t explain. In addition, I have placed the computer completely open for IPv4 and IPv6 Internet connections. In the firewall settings, I also set the port for Gameranger and Stronghold Crusader to completely open or no special number. I really did everything in the help text of Gameranger. After all these precautions I started game rankers but still comes the error message that says I had an NAT-protected router that does not allow P2P. I don’t understand, my PC was really completely open, but still it doesn’t work. Have I done something wrong, or is it hopeless?
Which internet provider (ISP) are you?
In the settings of the FritzBox in the overview window under connections -> Internet -> IPv4, what is displayed to you? If there is an IP address, it simply writes x.x.x.x.
Bzw. Write the first block; e.g. if there is
You discord! Maybe you could help me better with screenshare, of course only if you want. I can just send pictures.
I’m sorry, it’s rather bad.
Ups the exclamation sign should actually become a ?
Without knowing exactly, that doesn’t say much if you’re making a little mistake, you’ll see the same as if it didn’t work.
I can’t remember the command and the IP. It’s been a little longer since I tried the LAN connection. But can you try it again tomorrow to see how exactly I did it.
Probably something is wrong in the network configuration.
The best way to set DHCP on the network cards is to tell the DHCP server in the router that it should always assign the same IP address to both PCs. So everyone is the same naturally. Both are then in your internal network and should recognize.
Okay, thank you for the help, I’ll try this tomorrow.