LAN splitter hat 10 Minuten funktioniert?
Hey, ich habe mir einen Lan splitter gekauft auf Amazon ohne die Bewertungen anzuschauenÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=2YB6OVYAIWB2A&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hJ7y7G0BS3mV3uiKrghJnI70NFtjkhSO_H4I2YcBmzCFVGnt0r-EtqyCFUGK18LKU4k4uCbqJKNujmXUri-ZTqCGeGP19jdaB98QMw2Fau1PQMoH_H0_6nxGN4QirfOz7XmqlEqttvKlA1aBF9AfsdK8rg0gGqDalYlE-zm_LWNdEKktRo_LbjPSeuCPPZBrzKy4P8onXA3VE3Dk550zScd5SqCY28kfACRjC6bGYDU.OM9udgUjpOMbtGzSQlqaLxy4auvmmuY5R2yGyHuMTMI&dib_tag=se&keywords=lan%2Bsplitter&qid=1737651710&sprefix=lan%2Bs%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-4&th=1)
Hat für 10 Minuten ohne Probleme geklappt. (Ich habs mit meinem PC verbunden und ein Wlan Verstärker)
Jetzt allerdings gehen nur noch bestimmte Websiten. Es kommt das volle Internet über das Lan Kabel an mein PC an, aber irgendwie startet z.b. Discord nicht oder andere Websiten.
Mache ich irgendwas falsch?
What indicates an error in the network and is probably due to the fact that your terminal does not reach the DNS server or does not receive any response from there.
This does not necessarily have to be related to this 3port switch.
Oh. How do I change that in the fritzbox? 😅
I didn’t get it. We take this in the office to connect an IP phone. Look at the others’ examples.
In the Fritzbox there is a view network/mesh. You can see what your network is doing.
For the money would have got a LAN switch that works
So send the crap back and buy you nen switch
for example? Other
Yeah, just like a switch…
Buy a reasonable switch and your problems are gone.