Lampe hat geflackert explodiert die?
Lampe hat geflackert explodiert die
Lampe hat geflackert explodiert die
Hallo, die Frage ist sehr fachspezifisch und bräuchte eine Antwort von jemanden, der bestenfalls einen Quellnachweis oder eine Norm hätte, die die Antwort untermauert. Wir haben einen Doppel-NH Trenner mit 2x4x240² Al SM für die Einspeisung, das Schienensystem ist voll und die Idee wäre jetzt, direkt über die Leiter je Phase den Stromwandler zu stecken….
Hello everyone, I'm stuck here. The 2-ohm and 3-ohm resistors aren't connected in parallel, but in series. Even if I take that into account, my result is negative. Can someone calculate and explain this to me? Thanks in advance!
Ich habe mir dieses Solarpanel Und diesen Laderegegler gekauft. Aktuell weis ich nicht wie ich den Laderegler wassergeschütz unterbringen soll… Könnte man den auch einfach unter das Panel kleben damit er nicht nass wird?
Hello, I have the following problem! I bought a television from Mediamarkt yesterday for €1,299, but I put down a €500 deposit to make the offer expire. I was just pressed for time because the offer only ran until yesterday! After I got home, I measured my attic apartment and realized that because of the…
Initial situation: I have a floor lamp / ceiling spotlight with a small halogen rod, probably R7s and a small reading lamp attached to it with a halogen bulb G4. I want to save electricity. Halogen bulbs consume quite a bit of power (estimated at 200 watts for the halogen bulb, estimated at 40 watts…
The chances are rather low. But it can be duchaus that something else gives up the mind, for example, a clamp or the light switch.
Lg, Nicki
Yes, of course! As soon as a lamp starts to flicker, an explosion is inevitable. In fact, it is one of the many little wonders of the universe that we are not surrounded by exploding lamps every day. Just imagine how exciting our everyday life would be if we were constantly surrounded by flying lamp rests and sparkling rains. But fortunately, the geniuses of the lamp industry have recognized this dangerous inclination of lamps and have built security mechanisms to protect us from the horrors of the exploding lamps. So don’t worry, your lamp will most likely not explode. Unless she has previously filed a final examination in fireworks technology.
It’s probably not.
A lamp does not explode.