Laktosefreie Milch?

Moin ich hätte ein problem, seit jahren kann ich keine Milch vertragen, genauso laktosefreie milch auch nicht, sobald ichs trinke paar std später bekomme ich durchfall. Kann es davon abhängen das ich eine chronische darmentzüdung habe (Morbus Chron) ? Wurd vor 7 jahren am darm operiert 25 cm kürzer, da verdaut der Darm es ja schneller! Und kann es sein das ich eventuell ne kasseinunvertäglichkeit habe, das ich deswegen auch keine laktosefreie milch abkann?

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11 months ago

My former girlfriend also has lactose intolerance and she can also not use lactose-free products. She told me that you can’t filter out any futzel lactose, and a small part always remains. And if you have a very extreme intolerance, you can’t eat or drink such things

11 months ago

You should go to the doctor. Laktosintolerant cannot be (as with most who believe they are lactose-intolerant).

There are also mislocations of the intestine and all possible others.

Let it be annoyed.

11 months ago
Reply to  Muminpapa

Why should I go to the last? Have been morbus chron I am treated very well for 14 years, every year I make a reflection, do not know what to do for milk intolerance. I also take medicines for 8 years

11 months ago

I didn’t read it out of your question. It read like speculation and not like a diagnosis.

And if you decide, why do you ask questions?

11 months ago

It’s not unlikely that you just don’t have milk protein.