Lactose and gluten intolerance?
Hello, I'm 18. When I was little, I had lactose intolerance until about the third grade. I tolerated wheat, but not so much; I often had to fart from it, which is why I often had spelt. Milk was okay after the third grade, as I said. I also had a hazelnut allergy, which is now gone. For the last time in many years, I could eat wheat as if I could tolerate it. Sometimes with bad wheat, I had a few stomach cramps, but actually, I tolerated it 100%, no problems other than pimples. For the past month, however, I've had serious problems. I probably don't know if I can tolerate gluten or wheat. I often had stomach pains for a long time and never knew what it was from. I also had diarrhea once. I ate lunch normally and almost had to throw up. Usually, after a bowel movement, I felt better and more liberated. Then I went gluten-free and it got better. Every now and then, with small amounts, nothing happened, sometimes even stomach pain (pressure below the belly button). It all started with Stinging pains in my anus and penis and cramps where I thought it was a bladder infection. I don't know what that was or whether it was from the gluten. Recently I've also had stomach pains since I ate milk once (ice cream). I've been taking lactase tablets since then and I've had no problems. If I ate wheat my stomach grumbled and hours later I had slight stomach pain in my lower abdomen. It can't be that I can't tolerate either of them anymore! That would be so bad! Especially gluten! It's in everything, almost in cakes etc. And I'm still so young. My mother got the same thing last summer and she can't tolerate either. I don't understand it. I can't really imagine what would happen, what would you say is that possible or is there something that can be done. I would love to eat wheat, maybe I can only tolerate a little like before and I need to regenerate my intestines first?!
First of all as an info, also Dinkel contains gluten.
But still, just go to the doctor. If you suspect a celiac/glue intolerance, you could first have a blood test (web transglutaminase IgA plus total IgA). A lactose intolerance is a frequent consequence of a celiac disease.
A lactose intolerance is not always a disease, you know. Mostly, it is simply a genetic expression, like a hair color. Many people in adulthood do not use lactose worldwide. Maybe in many wheat products you eat is lactose.
Further causes are conceivable.
So there are various possibilities for your complaints. Like I said, go to the doctor. All right.