In layman's terms: Are you protected in a Farday cage, e.g. car/airplane, because current or charge always flows through the outer cross-section?

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11 months ago

So much, yes.

The Faraday cage (aircraft) around gives you complete with good conductive material.

If you consider your body as an arrangement of resistances, you can turn in there and turn how you want: The cage closes your “outputs” briefly so that no voltage drop across your body is possible due to external tension.

So, together with the cage, you create a short-circuited resistance network.

I hope you can see it:

If the tension is extremely high and you apply it “hard” to the cage, there will of course still be tension drops inside, as the material from which the cage is made has a certain specific resistance. Depending on how potent the voltage source is, it can still grill you.

In the case of a lightning, however, you still have the air gap, which, despite flashing, is quite high-impedance than the resistance of the cage, so that the voltage drop at the cage still fails small enough to force it (voltage divider principle).

11 months ago
Reply to  Parralelwelt

Read the text afterwards.

Or look at the picture.

When the lightning with its approx. 100MV, most of them fall on the airline.

So you have a voltage divider of 2 resistors.

(+) —-[ R_Luftstrecken_1 ]——–[ R_Käfig ] ——– (-)

The air gap is much more high-resistance and thus has the most voltage drop.

And if R_Käfig should actually assume a dangerous voltage drop, you need to touch pitch bird in a way that the voltage drop also hits you.

Since an aircraft is usually lined with plastic, this is impossible.

11 months ago

The simpler explanation would actually be the one you gave: The most smooth current flows through the Faraday cage, and thus past the occupants.

Since there are no perfect conductors with no resistance, the colour-day cage has a very minimal resistance (the “specific resistance” that the material used for the cage has rendered natural).

The lightning must travel an air path from heaven to ground. This has a significantly higher resistance than the cage.

Only where a resistance is, can voltage drop.

If resistors are in series (here the case), the voltages are distributed in the ratio of resistors (voltage divider principle).

Air distance = many ohms

Cage = almost 0 ohms

If a resistor is 0 ohm, this is a short circuit where no voltage drop is possible.

Voltage surpasses current.

If there’s too much power flowing through your body, you’ll get a blow because the power is ultimately what kills you.

11 months ago

I can’t explain the whole physics to you now, sorry.

You have specified some technical terms as tags, which is why I assume that you have at least a few knowledge regarding electrical field, capacitors, voltage dividers, current, voltage etc. ^^

11 months ago

Because the voltage across R_Käfig can not get so high because of R_air path.

The aircraft outer shell is not a thin conductor but a flat sheet metal shell. The resistance is therefore very small.

In order for the voltage to pass through an insulator, it must already have a certain height.

Consider how this is with an X capacitor: The dielectric between the plates is not very thick, but keeps about 2kV without striking. Now consider how much kV it takes in the relatively thick lining of the interior to strike through.

So many kV do not fall over R_Käfig so that it does not come to pass.

11 months ago

The resistance ratio plays a role.

In the Faraday cage you are part of the entire ladder, but you have a much higher resistance than the surrounding shell.

If you touch the shell at both ends with an insulated footwear, a stream flows through your body. The resistance from hand to hand is approx. 750 Ω.

If the casing has a resistance of 1 Ω, the voltage in the ratio 1 : 750 is also divided. Shoot 100,000 V into the shell, so there are around 133 V between your hands and then a stream of 177 mA flows through your body.

This is why in thunderstorms: never touch the body when sitting in the vehicle.