Lager für Clans (WaCa)?
In meiner FF habe ich vier Clans, aber mir fällt einfach kein gutes Lager für die Clans ein…
Meine Clans:
Einmal gibt es den KiefernClan, der wie der Name schon sagt in einem Kiefernwald lebt.
Den Bachclan, sein Terretorium ist von Bächen durchzogen und liegt an einem kleinen See.
Dann noch den Heideclan, er lebt auf einer eher flachen Landschaft mit Wiesen und sanften Hügeln
Als letztes gibt es dann noch den FelsenClan, er lebt in einer felsigen von Schnee bedeckten Landschaft.
Vielleicht habt ihr ja Ideen für die Lager meiner Clans…
LG Funkenschweif 🫶👋
The warehouse PinesClan is located in the middle of the Kiefernwald. To get into the camp, you have to walk through a small court. On the other side of the courts is a light. The courts have another room, this is the annex. In addition, there are two slanted, large pine trees that lean against each other. As a result, they form another building – the nursery. In addition to the children’s room is the pupil’s building. It consists of many trees that fell in a storm. In addition to pupils, healer construction is an underground court. The entrance is a huge, holier tree that leads under the earth. The construction of the elders is connected to the construction of war: it consists of another, but rather flat pit in the earth. In addition, there is another, much larger pit – the warfare. When Clan-Zeremonien take place, the leader stands on the big court, which is at the same time his construction.
The warehouse Bach is an island in the lake. When you get in, you’re right in front of the warfare. This is a huge court, but in whose roof is a small hole. The hole is the entrance and exit for the warriors. In order not to overwhelm the construction during rain, a pasture (that is a tree type) is growing, whose branches extend over the hollow roof. Thus, the dense leaves protect the construction from rain, and nevertheless some light comes in during the day. The tree also forms the roof for the construction of the leader, which consists of thick branches stretched on one another. In addition, there is a small hill where there is a hole. The hole serves as a student building. There is also a huge tree. Between this tree and the warfare is a pit whose roof consists of the leaves of the tree. This is the healer construction. The huge tree is hollow and so large that there is room for the nursery. At the edge of the camp is a small pond from which a stone projects. This is used for Clan collections.
The bearing of the HeideClans is a light that is surrounded by hills everywhere. That’s why you have to climb up the hills to get in. Warfare, leadership construction and pupil construction are all large holes that were buried in the largest hills. The warfare is above pupil construction and the annex is next to it. The Heilerbau consists of rocks stretched together and the oldest building is a small court. The nursery is hidden so that enemies don’t find it immediately: you have to walk through an inconspicuous hole under the earth and get into a much larger hole that is in one of the few trees in this territory.
The bearing of the RocksClans exists as the name already says of rocks. This protects the camp from snowstorms in winter. Although it is a bit dark in the camp, light also comes into the rock through a few columns. Basically, all buildings consist of rocks except for the construction of warriors and healers. The healer construction consists of very, very many branches that are protected with a canopy. The Warrior Bau is underground. He’s under the whole camp and through a hole you get into the open.
I hope I could help you
LG honey breeze ^
Thank you honey breeze! These are great ideas! 🫶