Lady Gaga oder Ava Max?
Wen mögt ihr lieber?
Ava Max oder Lady Gaga?
Wen mögt ihr lieber?
Ava Max oder Lady Gaga?
Und wenn ja, weiß man wieso?
und wie findet ihr ihre Entscheidungen?
Hallo, ich habe mich gefragt ob ihr den Sänger Olly Murs noch kennt? Dear Darlin, Trubelmaker, Dance with me Tonight, Heart skip a beat, Up etc. Er ist in England mit Billy Eilish und Ed sheeran der gefragtesten Sänger und war auf Tour mit Robbie Williams und hat um die 20 Millionen Tonträger verkauft. Nur…
Ich finde ein bestimmtes Video nicht mehr. Es ist vielleicht älter als 30 Jahre? Ich weiß nicht. Ich meine es geht um eine sex oder Liebesgeschichte zwischen blauen? Aliens… danke
Habe schon ein paar sachen I’m internet gefunden aber villeucht wieso sie musik Damals gemacht haben und ob und wenn ja wieso die musik die zeit geprägt hat
I can win both, but Lady Gaga clearly prefers her older stuff. From the time when “Bad Romance”, “Alejandro”, “Paparazzi” and “Americano” come from. So the albums “The Fame/Monster” and “Born This Way”. Something like “Artpop” or “Chromatica” speaks less to me. But there are enough people who think the other way around, I know. And of course not to forget the soundtrack to “A Star Is Born”. That’s something else musically. “Always wants to remember us this way” is for me one of the best songs ever.
From Ava Max I like quite a lot, from both albums. One could, of course, criticize that it makes a lot or uses parts of songs, but I think that it does with a certain appeal. You just have to like the music style, and that speaks for me. In my opinion, there are some songs that do not have a special refrain. But otherwise, next to Dua Lipa, Ariana Grande, she is one of the best singers at the time.
Lady Gaga Ava Max makes only Lady Gaga
What do you think?
On Friday night, the American was a guest in the “Greatnight Show” (Sat.1) by Comedian Luke Mockridge – and there she should also present her new single “Torn”. But the whole thing turned out to be Fiasko. The singer could barely hold a sound, and while the net later practiced in Häme, the host remained polite…He at the piano Ava Max again did not hit a sound. But people like to be lying. I prefer singers who can sing live. And there’s Lady Gaga. Lipsic, we have enough playback. Some appearance is no different……but always…no thanks
So with me it’s clear Ava Max 🙃🎶
I don’t listen to Lady Gaga, except for a Featuring with Ariana Grande.
My favorite song from Ava Max is currently Born to the Night ✨️🎶
I also like the following songs from her:
While Lady Gaga has a trained voice with mega vocals, which also shows a lot live, this with the voice at Ava Max is quite leaner compared. That’s like comparing a Ferrari with a VW Polo.
Once a singer who is totally funny, however, makes quite acceptable music, and once a singer who is quite pretty is copied only songs and changed something.
Both are bad.
Once a singer who can sing live, only needs her piano, can also spontaneously present Acapella and m. E. is one of the best entertainers and on the other hand a singer who does not meet a sound live….Beide should perform a live performance with a musical instrument of her choice, then you will see the difference. For example, jazz is not everyone’s thing, but if you have a good voice, it will never come to a comparison that Lady Gaga wouldn’t do. Nevertheless, she’s more than just a pop singer. Their versatility is enormous. You have to try something, even if it doesn’t meet people’s 08/15 taste.
My taste is definitely not 08/15. No Taylor Swift etc. The two still don’t like
I like both as I find the voices of both inconceivable. They also have good songs.
In Luke Mockridges Show: singer Ava Max blaming herself with live performance
More like Ava Max.
Lady Gaga Your style is simply the hammer
Who is the other one again?
The singers of sweet but psycho
Uhhhh, that’s mixed
A singer who also has success, as it seems to care whether a singer can sing live or not. There is enough a normal voice and playback, lipsic, tuning or how the whole technical crap is called and people are satisfied.
Should this question be a joke?
Ava is the fake version of Lady Gaga.
And they’ve been embarrassed by live singing. Because Ava can’t. People with 08/15 taste don’t care.