Ladekabel per post?

Hallo zusammen, ich wollte euch fragen was ich benötige um ein ladekabel von einer Applewatch (Adappter ziemlich gross), mit der Post versenden zu können. Könnte ich das Ladekabel auch ohne Brief etc zu einer Postfilliale bringen und rin Mitarbeiter kümmert sich dann um den Umschlag?

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1 year ago

You have to pack it yourself. And since the nezz part is more than 2 cm thick, it must be the big letter for 2,70 EUR or something. You pack it yourself. If you buy all this in the branch, you need to buy several envelopes and a whole roll of air cushion foil. Posts of goods by mail are often stolen, especially if something is technical. If there is no text in it, there is also a cheaper shipment of goods.

If you shop online and have a whistle, it will keep you home. No, you can’t turn your work on others. It would be useful if you were just to deal with your everyday problems yourself, because the Helikopterkinderzeit is always going to end.

1 year ago

Hello together, I wanted to ask you what I needed to be able to send a charging cable from an Applewatch (Adappter quite large) with the mail.

An air cushion envelope or a cardboard box that fits well.

Could I bring the charging cable to a postfillial even without a letter, etc, and then the employee takes care of the envelope?


And if you don’t get it yourself, please let your parents help you.

1 year ago

No one packs your goods, etc.

You have to do it yourself. Packing address on it, etc.

Take a padded envelope and send with Prio.

1 year ago

You must pack and address the package/package yourself.