Ladegrenze/80%-Grenze abschalten Linux?
Ich meine, bevor ich zu Linux Mint gewechselt bin, habe ich in Windows 11 diese Ladegrenze/80%-Grenze verwendet. Aus welchen Gründen auch immer, wurde diese Grenze beibehalten: Wie ändere ich das? Ich möchte meinen Akku zu 100% aufladen.
Chatgpt habe ich bereits ausgiebig befragt.
Ich bin mit Artikel vertraut, die das Gegenteil bewirken: Ladeobergrenze mittels TLP/UPOWER festlegen.
Ach ja, es ist ein Samung Galaxy Book (Eigentlich zu schade für Linux, aber 8 Gb Ram reichen unter Windows nicht aus für meine Zwecke).
Under KDE you can put it graphically in the settings. I don’t know how and whether this goes with Cinnamon, but I like to doubt it.
For Debian derivatives this is described by tlp here:
So, as either “STOP_CHARGE_THRESH_BAT0=80” will comment again by writing # ahead.
In the darkest Da Windows has written this into the BIOS and you have to change it there…
PS: charging up to 80% is better for your battery… 🫣
I would like to emphasize the last statement again!!! Be happy that your laptop is doing the best questioner 🙂
The 80% load limit is usually controlled by BIOS/Firmware or Windows tools. Look in the BIOS after an option like “Battery Life Extender” and deactivate it. Alternatively, you can briefly install Windows to disable the boundary with the Samsung software, then switch back to Linux. On Linux you can also check TLP
I did not find this option in the BIOS; there is already a battery menu, but this option is not available. This with Windows has already come to my mind; But before I shoot anything else, I’d keep looking around.
Sounds good.There must surely be another solution