Lackschichtenmessung Beratung?


ich hätte mal eine Frage zu Lackschichtenmessungen. Wie würdet ihr die Bereiche von Dicken bewerten?

Normaler Lack entspricht circa 200 µm?

Nachlackiert wäre dann 400 µm?

Ab wann würdet ihr sagen wurde gespachtelt?

Was würdet ihr bei 600  µm sagen? Denkt ihr da wurde schon gespachtelt?

Danke schonmal im Voraus!

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2 years ago

Paint is usually around the 50-150μm thick, as thick exactly, you should notice in the car at several places. 600μm is already so thick that some devices no longer display any value and in any case sprinkled/multiple repainted.

2 years ago
Reply to  mrtinmller

Sheet metal can only be pulled back in shape to a limited extent after it has been deformed once, especially since deep scratches still occur, and deviations in the micrometer range can already occur when the light falls on it. The last bite in the case of accident repair is therefore usually filled with a spatula mass (at a professional scale we are talking here of a few tenths of a millimeter, which measures this spatula layer, in the case of whistlers, in favor of centimetres of spatula it is possible to dispense with the elaborate sheet metal work).

2 years ago

A weak magnet exposes the sprinkled areas well (see Det Müller)

2 years ago

From 600 onwards, I’d talk about spawning.

2 years ago
Reply to  mrtinmller

Because it’s cheaper. The side parts in the rear area (behind wings, etc.) cannot simply be exchanged, which makes the work very expensive there. The mere removal of the damaged sheet metal and the spatula work are cheaper than welding a repair sheet.