Lackschäden unter dem Soziussitz?
Hallo Leute, ich habe mir vor 2 Monaten ein neues Motorrad gekauft und heute das erste mal den Soziussitz abgemacht.
Unerklärlicher weise sind dort mehrere Lackschäden…
Greift die Garantie für sowas?
Hallo Leute, ich habe mir vor 2 Monaten ein neues Motorrad gekauft und heute das erste mal den Soziussitz abgemacht.
Unerklärlicher weise sind dort mehrere Lackschäden…
Greift die Garantie für sowas?
Hallo ich bin 15 Jahre alt und möchte mir eine beta rr 50 supermoto kaufen sie hat eine sitzhöhe von 900mm passe ich dort gut drauf das ich mit beiden Beinen auf den Boden komme bin 1.66 und meine schrittlänge ist 78cm Mfg Max
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Servus, vor 3 Tagen habe ich meine neue Beta RR50 Enduro erhalten. Beim starten gibt es allerdings bei der Kälte Probleme. Gang ist draußen, Benzinhahn ist draußen, sogar der Choke ist drin, und die Beta geht per Kickstarter nicht an. Irgendwann auf einmal startet die Beta dann nach zahlreichen Versuchen Gekauft habe ich sie bei…
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Guten Tag, ich weiß dass dies eine vermeidbare Situation gewesen wäre, aber folgende Situation: Ich bin heute früh, zum Glück ganz vorne in einer autokollone mit meiner 125(duke2019) Landesstraße mit 50/45 gefahren und beiden Füßen unten, da ich unerwartet eine Schneeige Strecke durchfahren musste. Dann hab ich sowie 1 anderes Fahrzeug die Kontrolle verloren. Ich…
Probably not. No one can prove whether the damage was already present at the time of purchase or has happened to you somehow. In any case, if it is on a non-fitting seat, where it can be proven that the damage has occurred due to incorrect assembly, but that would be a special case… Look if there are shy places through the seat – that would be a possibility of complaint.
And that’s the dealer’s problem.
No, not really… there are theoretically obvious deficiencies that could have been noticed in an adequate inspection of the vehicle if they were already present at the handover.
At the Z900 there was this problem too. That was the guarantee.
You make it more complicated than it is. If the deficiencies were already present on hand and could have noticed and had to, the dealer is out of there. Otherwise, you could go to the dealer in the first six months with each squash and every bump and claim that this damage had not occurred to you when handed over, although there is.
You have two questions:
Put the socius seat back on it, then the problem is solved.
I believe that the problem is really only rich industrial countries, because in many countries such problems are not known.
I’ll buy jeans in the store and then cry for something like that.
Oh, man, I can’t understand people like you. I pay 12,000 euros for a motorcycle and expect it to be top. If I want to sell it back in a couple of years, I’ll stay on the damage and not you?
Honda is a billion corporation and will not be able to go to Pleite at perhaps 400€.
does it make problems with the ears?
Or do you just lay worth on the surface?
Sorry, but you’re totally wrong. If you buy a product in a store, this must be free of damage. If, due to a faulty construction, a damage occurs, as in this case, the warranty is effective.
Once again an answer from you that is absolutely not helpful. Zero substance!
I want your bike see 😂😂
At the Z900 there was exactly this problem with some under the driver’s seat, as the clamps of the seat were too far out. This has been fixed to guarantee without any problems by changing the trim parts.
You better talk to your dealer and tell him the problem. However, I would first ask in a model-specific Facebook group or a (also model-specific) forum whether there are even more drivers of this model, in which these laughter damage has emerged under the socius seat. This greatly strengthens your argument against the dealer.
I think that’s what happened through the socius seat. And if you expect a perfect motorcycle for 12000€, look at the motorcycles of Ural. The cost more and the quality leaves too much to be desired.
Huh? What does Ural have to do? What does that have to do with the purchase price?
If you buy a new product from the dealer, you are entitled to be free of damage. No matter what now ne 30ct milk pack from the aldi is or a new car from Ferrari.
You realize you have no idea of anything. Ever heard of the term “construction-related”? If the seat has corners on which he can sit the te as often as he wants to run as he wants, it gets better
You really don’t know you.
It doesn’t have to be bad.
But no, Macken at the paint in a new vehicle wouldn’t accept a judge as “construction-related”. Never in life.
the question is how the damage occurred. Does the socius seat lie on the lacquer at the points shown or has a foreign body been clamped between the lacquer set and the seat? In the event of a guarantee, it will probably only be possible if there is evidence of a paint defect or if the holder of the socius seat has been badly mounted and thus a contact arises.
Ensure, yes. The seller is obliged to prove that this happened only after handing over to you.
Misinterpretation. Paint damages could have occurred beforehand when the vehicle is properly visited.
As explained above, you have two questions:
Depends on where you bought it and what is in the purchase contract
It doesn’t matter.
Isn’t it when the contract stands, “purchased as seen” , there is no guarantee
It seems to be a new vehicle. There isn’t this Passus.