Lackschaden nachträglich über Vollkasko?

Vor 2 Jahren hat sich jemand an meinem Auto abreagiert (damals noch keine Vollkasko, Dellen in der Motorhaube + tiefe Kratzer). Anzeige über Polizei verlief im Sande. Hab es bis heute nicht richten lassen und inzwischen habe ich einen selber verursachten Lackschaden und weitere Kratzer durch Vandalismus (hab seit Ende letzten Jahres auch eine Vollkasko). Kann ich alles über die Vollkasko richten lassen oder wäre das Betrug, wenn ich das mit den Dellen + tiefer Kratzer mitlaufen ließe?

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8 months ago

This is quite clear insurance fraud

8 months ago

But if you’re cheating, you can’t really prove that if you’ve suffered fresh vandalism damage. VK insurance companies are finally there for this. 😊


8 months ago
Reply to  rtcsniper

You could prove it to me because I had filed a complaint with the police and documented the damage.

8 months ago

OK, but if fresh traces of already damaged body parts have been added, then it would still be covered with the “advantage” that the old scratches are also repaired.

In addition, in the case of a full-cass, you don’t even have to give a reason why you want to paint the car, or has the regulation changed?

8 months ago

In the case of a full casco damage, damage is naturally deducted. So if no damage has occurred due to the further vandalism, because the car was already damaged in the area of damage, nothing will be compensated. Of course, it is also necessary to state in the case of a full-cassian insurance, why one wants to “paint the card” – because there must be a corresponding damage event for reimbursement. Otherwise, I would have found a source of funding for my oldtimer’s next complete paint. I would rather pay EUR 200,- full cash premium instead of EUR 5TEUR for the painter.

8 months ago

I don’t even know. I had to deal with my insurance.