Lachs 1 Tag abgelaufen riecht und schmeckt aber normal?
Gestern ist mein Räucherlachs abgelaufen und ich möchte ihn trotzdem noch verzehren weil geruchs und geschmackstest waren normal. denkt ihr das geht in ordnung oder lieber in die tonne damit?
In the case of fish, you should generally be careful. But smoked salmon isn’t raw. If he was always well cooled and tasted normal and smelled I would still eat him. I’ve done a lot of things before, never was a problem.
That’s okay. Nose and eye are good sensors. Anyway, I’d eat it if it’s sensory perfect.
he’s not bad about that, it’s a Minimum durability date and not deadly from today.
ne is actually eating until I will eat it anyway
Please. It’s impeccable!
Go tomorrow. No problem.