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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

This depends on how much you take and how to react individually. Lachgas seems to be less dangerous than other common drugs. But that doesn’t mean there are no risks and you can’t hurt yourself.

In particular, minors should generally dispense with the use of nitrous oxide and other drugs. The risks associated with them are increased due to development.

Tomatolix had a video about this: Legal High: This happens when you take salmon!

Also interesting: Lachgas (NOS/N2O) – The underestimated short-term noise with Dr. Fabian Pitter Steinmetz and Rüdiger Schmolke,

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

7 months ago

If it’s not controlled, then there’s something going on.

I go to festivals and see thousands of people who take the stuff in and fall in succession and then spend the festival in the hospital. This isn’t like the doctor if you get a matched dose.

Above all, the noise is simply not worth it.

7 months ago

Salmon gas is dangerous. Poppers is also dangerous. You’re supposed to take a distance from such things. Whoever bears damage to it is himself guilty.

7 months ago

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