L17 in einem Jahr?

Hallo zusammen,

ich werde übermorgen 16 und möchte mir für den L17 Führerschein anmelden, und wollte Fragen ob man den Führerschein in ca. einem Jahr fertig haben kann, weil ich dann ja 17 wäre und das wär voll toll.

wie lange braucht man da Minimum?

Danke schonmal

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9 months ago

I will be overmorning 16 and would like to register for the L17 driving licence,

So not B(E)F17, but Austria? It’s not in D. Max. 6 months before the earliest time when you can get the driver’s license, you can start.

In D, there are even holiday intensive courses for the car driver’s license, so just a few weeks. And there are the people who have the total grinding and need > 1 year to the 1st attempt of practical testing…


9 months ago

I needed a good quarter for my driving licence. That was 45 years ago. I don’t know if this is going to take longer.

9 months ago
Reply to  mina24876

L17 didn’t give it back then. However, my towels did it, and if I remember correctly, it did not take much longer.