Kutschpferd einreiten?

Und zwar habe ich vor kurzen das Angebot bekommen ein Kutschpferd einzureiten. Das gute ist wie schon gesagt es fährt Kutsche, kennt also Straße, Trense usw. der Nachteil ist ich habe noch nie ein Pferd eingeritten nur immer zu geguckt. Der Besitzer des Pferdes hat mir gesagt das wäre kein Problem er wird mir dabei helfen. Könnt ihr mir sagen was man vor dem aufsteigen alles für Übungen machen kann um das Pferd vorzubereiten zum einreiten

Vielen lieben Dank schon im Voraus

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6 years ago

There is an extra job in which you are trained for 3 years to ride horses. Who doesn’t know about it should make it better.

6 years ago

And, by the way, there are a lot of professionals who think that the three years are not enough, which is why, for example, the Spanish Riding School in Vienna and the Anja Beran Foundation require six years. And actually… in training according to the FN guidelines until you after three years of horse farmer discipline riding. To the horse business champion, you have to take another three years and an exam.

6 years ago

Jo, clear – discerning is so easy! You can do that by the way. And with a carriage horse it becomes much easier. Although this is probably already blunt in the mouth, it has a stiff backhand and a cramped back (who does not gymnastize very well, has the effect). Perhaps it has also learned on the carriage to go against the hand with wonder and to push the back away, then it becomes particularly clean.

And then what? Although you obviously have no idea? Sorry, but if someone hasn’t done it yet, he shouldn’t try it alone with a problem-free horse. A carriage horse is certainly something for specialists.

6 years ago
Reply to  FrauBeckmesser

Sorry, but with riding horses and driving, you don’t seem to know anything. A driving horse is not blunt in the mouth when it is driven correctly, it is also not against the hand and who at least goes back and forth dressage does not have a stiff something in front of the carriage. My Felix is more sensitive with his 22 years in his mouth than some four-year-old, banged riding horse…

6 years ago

Don’t you think that’s funny? You “should” a horse and then you have to ask about net how it is?

For the horse’s sake, get a trainer/ rider. It’s so fast if you don’t know what to do or what to do. what you have to pay attention to. Both from the head and naturally also physically.

Riding does not mean saddle on it, right, left, step, trab, gallop… but to put the horse on the help and balance the necessary muscles to carry the rider without taking damage.

If you can drive a car, it’s not only that you can fix the car. Logisch, right? Anyone who can ride is not qualified to ride a horse. It’s yours.

6 years ago
Reply to  Vivipolo

Then you will join the NO concept and not that of hundreds of others;-)

Everyone chooses a different way, already on their own, because you tune everything individually on the horse and that’s only when you’re a horse. There is no “recept” on which you hang along.

6 years ago
Reply to  Vivipolo

If the Lord has learned this – by the way – I also – why don’t you ask him?

6 years ago

Of course you can help with riding, but above all you need a good experienced coach who has a professional training plan and lots of experience.

then you can work with

6 years ago


nothing for bad, but for the right healthy ride, much more than once saddle is on it and see that the horse is thirsty.

Do it with a good coach, everything else would be very negligent and could go to the health of the horse.

Best regards


6 years ago

From the ground it would have to be possible. If it is a well-dried riding horse in Achenbach, it must be used to the saddle and the stirrups, it is necessary to practice slowly and carefully as with an undisputed horse. It is also necessary to note that a driving horse is steered by passing the outer leash, bending is required in the driving dresser with the whip, which is placed approximately where the leg of the rider acts. Weight aids cannot be replaced when driving, so here the horse has to learn.