Kurzurlaub Deutschland allein + preiswert?
Welche Stadt würdet ihr empfehlen allein Urlaub zu machen in Deutschland wenn man selbst sich eher schwer tut neue Kontakte zu Knüpfen und man prädesteniert dazu is sich zu verlaufen.
Und der Ort sollte mit dem Flixbus oder leistbar mit dem Zug erreichbar sein ohne oft umsteigen zu müssen von Österreich dort hin.
Leipzig went with change in Munich.
I don’t necessarily want to sachsen
I don’t think I would feel safe
Then you don’t feel safe.
3 points click
Then the notifications are gone
Let’s go. I’m constantly presenting these comments that are just boring.
I wasn’t aif nen gynasium
1. Year of human development
Two. Year antique and so
3. Year of medium and industrialisation, k&k
4. Year 1. Rebublik, ns time, 2nd Rebublik, cold war (without Germany)
It’s not about who likes Vienna (that doesn’t care about anyone outside Austria), but about the official. There it is called Vienna=capital of Austria.
and this is silly. I’m out. Really strange to discuss with you. Better safety without ending.
Don’t be silly to ask others as they stand.
Now it’s getting silly. Vienna is the capital of Austria. or do you just want to troll and discuss without meaning?
What? American occupation zones, liberation in World War II, Cold War, etc.
I know enough amis. They all know about Germany’s history.
Then you were not on a gynmium, but another school where the subject of history was not intensively treated.
My nephew lives in Austria and they only had the subject at school.
Naja wien is eh not Austria
I wouldn’t say
Especially since Germany is not part of American history
We do not learn so much about other countries if we have not directly affected ourselves
We in Austria have taken the German reunification by netmal, although our biggest neighbour has been
As a semi-US American, I can say that you can whistle on the political opinion of the U.S. population. That doesn’t make them.
Since you come from Austria: If I had received a EUR each time for statements such as “Vienna is the most beautiful German city” and “my German favourite is Wiener Schnitzel”, I would now be rich.
There are Wiener Schnitzel, Kaiserschmarrn and Co. at the U.S.O.O.O.O.O.C. festivals, and once there was an Austrian flag. Austria is not existent for many amis or think that this belongs like Bavaria to Germany.
and last: Germany is popular with the US amis krass. I got into conversation more often and everyone found that cool to talk to Germans.
And a buddy are many for you? As I said, far-reaching shifts. I was asked to know Michael in the USA. To my question, who should be, he said he had met a Michael in Germany.
And well what is positive
A cucumber of me got spent in America he beer because they believed he is German and then they started to praise hitler then he is torn
I believe the setting is too important
Is at least your picture, or I know your nationalistic/partiotic attitude “In Austria everything is better than in Germany”.
Nix what to discuss.
Survey: All loves Germany, and Germany loves – WELT
Not “many” and only educational layers. This is the main topic in every school lesson (worldwide). So who does not know this has quite different problems
I’ll be
Many do not even know that the wall no longer stands
Don’t close from you to others. The picture about the Germans is positive worldwide.
And the cliché of the Schnitzel and the Sachertorte in Austria is still quite carefully chosen. There are more dramatic clichés I don’t want to address here.
Personally, it doesn’t matter how individual people think about a country. You should do that too.
The fpö is not as extreme as the afd – these are more capitalists than right-wing extremists when you get out of front-coronalage where the last choice was
At the moment the party is disputed with the anticorona-producing eso side with kickel then the more like the old fpö will stay as before corona
If the left extreme is:
What’s that?
(Note neos = fdp)
Here there are almost every local carving (not as it is too expensive)
And I can prepare everything 3 😅
And I’d rather like to think about Austrians in Austria about how to think about Germans
(Is also kind of funny that in Austria no one knows the film saund of music but who think in the farther away Ausland so it is in Austria)
No, no matter what your Austrian friends say.
In the last elections, the NPD (and other extreme right) has not even reached 3% votes. Of course, there is the AfD, as a right-wing populist party, but in Austria there is certainly more votes than the AfD with us.
Leipzig (Connewitz & Plagwitz) is, by the way, a stronghold of the left extremes
When an Ösi comes here, you ask him for Kaiserschmarrn, Wiener Schnitzel and Sachertorte.
It’s called clichés. It’s sad that you’re falling into something like that. I would have given you a little more expertise.
These are negligence
Here on the board are 12 people at 200,000 inhabitants
I would not say that we are a stronghold of right-wing extremism.
I’ve met the left-wing extremists alone yesterday
Just because you haven’t met, it doesn’t mean there’s a problem. Besides, I said “almost everywhere”. That there is no problem everywhere I know
I don’t think there’s a problem in my city
I can walk around here like I want without having to worry about that who distorted me
Almost everywhere there is a right-wing extremism problem.
I am not wrong with it – that is so – even so I have met here always say that they come out of cause but are not right
Yes safe Austria is right extreme 🙄
You’re wrong with that. Look around in your federal government or the state governments. I’m sure you’ll find it.
Is not lying the things in the susland is known only because
And I didn’t say all the sachsen are nazis, but only there is a right-wing extremism problem
It’s good that you don’t like it:
Let’s be good. We don’t have to get here and the humour of Mr. Wischmeyer doesn’t open up to everyone.
Good that you answer with enemy
Please stay in Austria. That’s better for you.
Do you have a serious problem with right-wing extremism throughout Germany?
If you come from Austria, then only Southern Germany remains there. But if you feel uncomfortable in Saxony, I would avoid the Erzconservative regions in Bavaria. Most of the elderly are tourists from abroad more critically adjusted.
In Baden Württemberg I highly recommend Freiburg. As a student city, people are quite open and you can easily establish contacts.
Yes no warning but I don’t want to be alone
The last time I had almost been raped near the milk bar
This can happen to you in any city in the world. When it goes, join home.
From Austria I would rather stay in southern Germany.
In the tourist areas such as the Berchtesgadener Land, you can also make your own vacation.
I would like to be there a few days and not just a night
9 Euro ticket and to Sylt. ^^
I don’t want to sit in the train for 3 days
Besides, what I got in sylt punks beach ban
Kiel is also quite beautiful.
The Baltic Sea is very nice. If you want to see how beautiful you have in Austria, come to Gelsenkirchen or Duisburg. 😀
In the south, I don’t know that well, and I don’t like Italy. Jesolo is really beautiful and there is a cool water park.
I’ve been gorging
Is brilliant
In sylt, a beach basket costs more than night in a little
Usually arrows are on the place where you push it in
There were no 😬
As a child, I didn’t know you had to devalue the ticket yourself or what happened to you? xD
I even have problems here with the train and then in a foreign language
I did not even check out how this works in a few minutes, bought a ticket and still drove the 3 days black
The Google translator can translate in real time and doesn’t make it bad. He helped me very much in Thailand. Driving train was quite cheap a few years ago in Italy. I left my car about 80km from Venice in a garage and drove my ex by train to Venice. The tip of the Italian was worth gold. By the way, Jesolo was also the tip of a single one. :
I think that would be a great cultural shock in the cities 😅
From old construction to plate construction
I don’t have a car what’s in italia when you want to go
Besides, I don’t have to go to the more I want more culture
And I don’t know italian or English because I don’t trust it on my own – it’s as much as we do
How many days do you want to drive? At a short trip I would stay in the south.
Munich is always worth a trip, Freiburg actually too.
3 – 6 days maximum 600€ leiber 300€
During my last week’s vacation, 3 days worked at 300€ with arrival and departure (in the Swiss I have 600 (with train and aircraft) for 6 days, but there I have eaten nothing there)