Kurzgurt oder Langgurt?
Welchen benutzt ihr und warum. Bitte auch das genaue Modell dazu schreiben.
danke im Voraus
Ich war heute Nachmittag son bisschen meine Modellpferde fotografieren, war dazu auf einer Wiese nirgendwo stand irgendwas von Privatgelpnde oder so. Auf jeden Fall, irgendwann ist da so eine Frau langgefahren und ist dann ausgestiegen, hat gerufen. Erstmal nicht sonderlich merkwürdig lag da ja auf der Wiese hätt ja sein können ich bin ohnmächtig oder…
Hallo, ich habe eine kleines/großes Problem. Und zwar ich habe keine Ahnung welche Schabracken,Halfter und Gamaschen Farbe ich meiner Stute kaufen soll😕 Kann mir bitte jemand eine Antwort geben (auch gerne mit Foto geht aber auch ohne)
Hallo ihr 🙂 Ich habe heute jemanden kennengelernt. Sie scheint sehr nett zu sein und um eine artgerechte Haltung ihrer Tiere bemüht. Dann habe ich in ihren Gehegen von Hamster und auch bei den Mäusen Einrichtungsgegenstände bemerkt, die irgendwie nach Kunststoff aussehen. Sie waren alle geriffelt. Sie hat mir dann erklärt, daß seien Gegenstände aus…
Hallo, ich hab da eine Frage die mich schon länger interessiert.Undzwar gibt es bei Paul schockemöhle ja Deckhengste…kann man sie wenn man es mit ihm Privat klärt kaufen bzw. würden sie zum Verkauf stehen?Also ich meine nicht Pferde wie Totilas oder Sandro Hit sondern Total Hope oder so😅Ich hoffe ihr versteht was ich meine ich…
Hallo 🙋🏽♀️ 😁 Ich suche (für ein Spiel) einen Namen für einen Hannoveraner Dressurwallach. Er ist ein (gräulicher) Schimmel. Turnierpferd (bis S*-Dressur). Springen bis L. Ich suche einen Englischen (Doppel)Namen, wie zum Beispiel:A Beautiful Mind, Remember me, etc. Anfangsbuchstabe entweder C, M oder L. Ich würde mich sehr über viele Antworten freuen 😁 😊. GLG…
I have often heard and read that the long belt is more comfortable for the horse, as the pressure is better distributed and not directly on the stomach of the horse.
However, it also depends on the type of saddle you are using – jumping saddles and versatility saddles have short trumps (usually) and therefore rather long belts are used.
Dressage saddles, on the other hand, have rather long scuffs, so mainly short belts are used.
I have a short belt as I have a dressage saddle. I have one of Kavalkade, anatomically shaped and with memory material since my mare still has belt force and that takes well. The strap is without elasticity, as my sattler cuts off (sattle can slide). But is not yet in use. Had a similar from the crows before, but he had Elastik and the saddle slipped a little.
You can also use dressage saddles with long belt, you have to change the scribs. We did.
That’s right.
This first comes to the saddle, which belt must be used.
And then there are actually from every factory/execution which is in long and short, so all very easy.
You use the one that fits the saddle. Which models come into question can your sattler tell you.
I don’t understand the question completely…? You can only use the belt that is suitable for the saddle. Short or long belt trenches – the length of the belt depends on this.
Most often have saddles for smaller, rounder horses (Ponys, Isi, Hafis,…) Strupfen for a short belt, but many models can also be ordered as you want – long or short scribbling.
What the saddle says.
I almost have a short belt and I am one of the few who keeps it as long as possible. As it is right. Mattes has very nice examples. Both the models and the reasonably high belts.
The model depends on what the horse needs.
My pony with the belt layer far forward carries a lambskin moon strap from Euroriding currently.
I cannot call model; I prefer long-belts because I don’t like to hang “under horse” to go after. The buckles can also disturb the horse during the movement on the elbow.
We’ve got long belts from Mattes, because you can take off the coat.
Really, long belts at the dressage saddle? It’s really quite unusual.
You think? Has everyone in our minds
Also the short cures are unfortunately simply too short, as you have to take a longhurt.. In addition, you can’t dress up so well
Most short belts are easy to short
But then find it interesting that some of you seem to have refitted, where short-belts on the dressage saddle are quite absurd in warm-blooded animals. I can understand the pony. Except for individual exceptions, there are only short belts that are often too short.
Let yourself be upgraded. The training horses in “my” schooling also had short belts; they have been changed by now. Probably, the riding instructors were sorry to always have to help with post-belts when they were as “garden” as I sat on it. The beginners can’t h it alone, and the older semester no longer…🤭
Shortly short is just fucking, the buckle is the arc in the way, it sucks to strap and it looks stupid, as if what would be missing
No we have any of
This one just as an example – like almost all dressage saddles with long ribs for short belt.
I do not know a “modern” model of dressage saddles, which is strapped with a long belt. And I doubt you bought old dressage saddles…
Long belt