kurzfristiges Darlehen von Privat an Kleinunternehmer?
Besteht die Möglichkeit, dass eine Privatperson einem Einzelunternehmer (Kleingewerbe) ein Darlehen (Zinslos) überweist, um kurzfristige Zahlungen zu decken? Die Privatperson würde die gesamte Summe wieder zurückerhalten, sobald der Einzelunternehmer wieder liquide ist.
Danke 🙂
A donation could be provided in the amount of interest saved, with €20,000 being tax-free even in the worst case. I assume that neither the amount is so high nor the duration is so long that this amount is reached.
By the way, this is not a problem!
Thank you. So it’s about 5,000€. I borrow the money
If you pay the money back in the foreseeable time, it’s not a problem!
In the case of an assumed reasonable interest rate of 8%, the whole would not be relevant until 50 years.
It’s a matter of trust.
If the private person agrees to that, yes.
I personally wouldn’t do that. Especially not without interest.
But isn’t that a gift when it’s insane?
Yes but only above the amount of interest. They will only be given to him and not the capital he has to pay back.