Kurse/Tutorials Programmiersprache R?


ich bin naturwissenschaftliche Doktorandin und will die Programmiersprache R lernen. Die Unikurse sind zu unmöglichen Zeiten, daher kann ich da nicht teilnehmen.

Habt ihr Tipps zu guten Tutorials, Kursen, Hompeages, von mir aus auch Büchern wie man es am besten Step by Step lernen kann? Ich habe bisher noch gar keine Erfahrung mit Programmiersprachen oder ähnlichem. Ich würde es hauptäschlich für Statistik und Graphen und Abbildungen erstellen verwenden.

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1 year ago

Best book on topic: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/

Coursera also offers very useful courses.

1 year ago


But you should wait for a sale, then the price will cost ~ 15€.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sannshine

I have no experience with R, so I can’t say anything about it, but I find the lecturer very good for beginners courses. And in the end, shouldn’t 100% get what you want – honestly – 15 euros?

For new “customers” give the grade for 15€, it only needs to confirm in the top of the sale bar.

1 year ago

I would probably do it that way:


Click here to get a basic understanding. In the case of unclearness, the concrete points googling.

Then select sample code for actual applications. If you don’t understand anything, go back to the concrete points.

The advantage of the approach is that you look semi-actively at the topic, but only learn what you need.

Maybe you can also get to the course material at the university courses without actually going to the course. Actually, everyone is very cooperative when you ask nicely.

Alternatively, you can also ask the user RFahren for help, he will definitely share his R-drives with you so that you don’t have to R-gern 😛