
Ich will mich für dss kunst studium bewerben. Ich hab gehört dass man am besten keine realistischen zeichnungen nehmen sollte was eigentlich meine go-to kunstrichtung ist. Ich hab angefangen skizzen zu machen und wollte einfach mal fragen ob diese zeichnungen angemessen für meeine kunstmappe wären. Sie würden farblich ausgeführt werden und gegebenenfalls überarbeitet, bzw die biene halt etwas ordentlicher

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1 year ago

if realism is your go-to then do it! To draw something surrealistiches or abstract will not bring you any further. Either you can or not. Schuster stay with your bars….with the sketches you will not come far.

1 year ago

Even if you rework it properly. Creativity okay, but I still find something missing. It looks more like a comic picture. And what is this circle?

It would be better if you were to build a still life on your table, set lamp and paint it off (including shades and shadows). So you can also paint and shade spatially. Your pictures are all very 2-dimensional and look like what everyone paints in class.

1 year ago
Reply to  Uneternal

Thank you, my problem is that youtube has shown similar contents, and I am therefore really insecure if I should go into something realistic or something. Did you experience that?

1 year ago

If you’re both insecure. The greater bandwidth you can deliver, the better.

1 year ago

The task is to show samples of your skills. No sketches etc., but finished stuff. That should be some things from the area where you feel the most comfortable, but also some other styles so that you can see that you only have one style. So calm down something realistic and abstract. You want to see how good you are technically, the motive doesn’t matter in the end.

1 year ago

There are still sketches that are colorless and empty of light and texture. Now it’s up to you to fill them with color, light and texture. Take a sketch and copy it to several sheets. Give each sheet a different mood and use another medium to color. You will realize that the outline can develop completely differently when it is filled differently.

The elaboration can decide between extremes from Topp to Flopp. This means that there is no mention of the “fitness of the coat of arms” of these sketches. Even the currently nothing-pronounced circle can still develop into the “Topact” of the portfolio.


Try to cover a wide range of techniques in the folder where you can work safely. I suspect that it is not necessarily the most creative motive, but a good use of the medium. Do not copy the style of others, but try to find their own. If you can draw realistically, put a drawing in. It doesn’t have to be a perfect copy of the original, but it can be modified so that you can recognize both the original and see that you can create something new.

1 year ago

Some of them are already suitable!

In particular, “Magic Mushroom” I find it extremely interesting and could imagine it very well in color. Also the sketch on the second photo has a certain “vibe”. Do you want to work it with oil color/acrylic color, or rather with chalks (paper/oil)?
I would give you the tip to look at the page of your Wish Unit which minimum format the images must have, otherwise it can happen that they are not accepted. Then the whole effort would be for nothing. You can also see if your Wish-Uni offers preliminary courses in which you can learn a lot. My university (hbkSaar) offers, for example, a kind of evening school in which you can inspire yourself for various techniques and fields.

Don’t put yourself in a pattern, but still be open to new ones and just try out!

1 year ago

These are not sketches, these are underground carnivals.

Just do something good. This does not require any assessment.

1 year ago

Hello Jessica577!

Friendlyly, people have published their artbooks and tips on the net. Look here:





1 year ago

Sorry, but this looks like 8th grade art lessons. You have to put a clear snippet on it to think about an art study.

1 year ago

Next time just read the text before, in which it says that the sketches are and I normally have a completely different style. Of course, it doesn’t look like a big sketch.

I looked at videos on youtube and tried to draw something similar, as artbooks are rated strictly and actually have certain requirements.

In addition, I believe that I need to draw a good enough character and do not have to put a clear sculptor on it to consider an art study. First of all, this (as mentioned earlier) is only sketched out, secondly, you can’t see how my pictures look when I invest significantly more work, thirdly, a mekner art teacher’s art study was recommended.

1 year ago

If you feel so attacked with every criticism, you will not be happy with an art study. This is no longer as easy as at real school or where you come from, but you get criticism.

1 year ago

I’m sorry, I just realized that I’ve been overreacting.

Still, I’d be better if you were to just evaluate the idea and tell me if that’s in a mappe, or not. For the final version of the pictures, these pictures are obviously inadequate.

I apologize again