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Was könnte ich denn machen, sodass der freie Platz auf den Tisch nicht so leer aussieht? Findet ihr, der Apfel an der Blume muss irgendwie schattiert werden? Es sieht nämlich komisch aus.. Sonst noch andere Verbesserungsvorschläge? Brauche zumindest eine 13 drauf 🙏

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3 months ago

the objects look very good for themselves, except that you forgot the shadow with the glass.

but you don’t have it like that.

a patterned table cloth would be a very good solution. In addition, a tee spoon is missing and a small one is missing. instead of the apple I would have drawn a cut lemon on a small dish.

that the teacup and the overpot consist of the same ceramic I find irritating.

3 months ago

To connect the parts, you could indicate a pale wood massif on the table top. Here an example.

3 months ago

One could make a table cloth with patterns (just not so complicated or abstract that it distracts from the overall picture) more such a subpainting.

Looks really good for me so far. Compliment.