Kündigung, wie sage ich das meinem Chef?
Ich werde wohl demnächst den Job wechseln in einer anderen Firma. Habe bei der aktuellen Firma ca 10 Jahre gearbeitet. Nun haben mir mein Chef und der BR auch schon den Vorschlag angeboten mich innehalb der Firma versezten zu lassen. Ich will aber komplett raus und was andres machen? Wie sage ich ihm das dann am bsten?
Not at all. Written, if he asks, keep you in general.
After 10 years, you can consider talking to your boss shortly before the written termination. Your employer is a big company where you probably also have the opportunity to do something completely different. Maybe a sabath year would be something that would meet you. The offers brought you appreciation. You should honor that.
Finally, you decide what your future should be.
I’d make a list for the current and future work with plus and minus.
Just like you do. Written as 3 liners. Give it all to the boss and good. Without big cake