Kündigung was muss beachtet werden?

Hey hey und zwar hab ich eine Frage, bin aktuell krank geschrieben und hab zum 01.10 gekündigt, kann mein Arbeitgeber die lohnzahlung deshalb verweigern? Ich bin krankgeschrieben mit au seit 4 Tagen, möchte aber gerne noch verlängern da ich immer noch Fieber und Luft Probleme habe wegen einer starken Bronchitis..also nicht weil ich meinem Arbeitgeber eine rein drücken will oder sonstiges

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6 months ago

Yeah, he’s too right.

Depends on the behavior in the company!

In a judgment, the evidence of the disease was significantly reduced under certain conditions.

With this judgment, one would like to receive the general evidence of disease reports.

If the termination and start of the medical report, as well as the start of work at the new worker agree with the end of the medical report. It’s at least suspicious.

6 months ago
Reply to  MiMa1139

It may be that the employer stops the payroll, but if Dur appears to be at work immediately.

Unfortunately, it has become fashionable to cancel and on the same day the medical report.

6 months ago

This is the first time that you assume that you will complete the termination period and just freeze the salary.

But if you go regularly to work and there has been a good relationship so far, that should not happen.

6 months ago


initiates an explaining subset, so stands behind a comma. “Hey hey” is not a main sentence…

can my employer therefore refuse the pay?

If you are in business in the first four weeks, YES!

If you are already busy there for a long time, the employer will pay for 6 weeks in case of illness (it cannot refuse!), after which the sickness fund will take over.

6 months ago

He must pay you by the end 🙂

With a medical report right.

6 months ago

Unfortunately, there was a new judgement from the Landesarbeitsgericht, where exactly that now cost the salary KANN.

If there are doubts that the one is really sick and not only makes sick until termination.

Was I even believe this year or maximum last year

6 months ago

That’s not a problem.
But I can also partially understand people who do it differently. It is the first time that a colleague has announced about bullying and it will no longer come back 100%, the poor But now she’s frightening about the stupid judgment.

6 months ago

Unfortunately no. The woman (the plaintiff) has received NO right in second instance and the wage payment has been discontinued.

The woman announced and was from there to AU with certificates

6 months ago

If you have a medical AU, the wage advance payment applies

6 months ago

if the doctor supports this, you can leave you even more sick. Just leave a strange impression of you.