Kündigung – schlechtes Gewissen?
Hallo, ich arbeite seit dem 01.02. bei einem neuen Arbeitgeber; habe jetzt aber ein noch besseres Jobangebot bekommen bzw. mir wurde ein Branchenwechsel ermöglicht… 35h/Woche bei vollem Gehalt, 30 Tage Urlaub, Feiertage und Wochenenden frei und sogar noch Gleitzeit – alles ganz entspannt
jedoch habe ich jetzt ein schlechtes Gewissen, da ich bis spätestens den 13.02. meinen jetzigen Job kündigen werde (2 Wochen wegen der Probezeit) – ist das schlechte Gewissen gerechtfertigt, weil irgendwie tut mir mein Chef leid, er ist ziemlich nett zu mir und grüßt mich jeden Tag, wenn er mich sieht, die Kollegen sind auch ziemlich toll und scheinen seit meinem Arbeitsbeginn erheblich entlastet zu sein… dazu kam die Rede, dass sie mit mir mehr und vielfältiger produzieren können 🙁
If I’ve learned one thing in my professional life… no matter how you stand to your company, what you do, how much you’re striving…the AG is hardly interested except to make mistakes…. every AN must think of itself and if you find something better then you go.
There is a nice saying, “Denk in life more often to the most important person in your life – to yourself”.
It’s like my previous speaker said, the employer’s primary concern is that you work and do your job, personal symphathy back or forth.
I know enough people who do overtime to leave the “poor colleagues” not hanging, and also constantly complain about their exhausting job. You make this decision yourself, and no one can force you to overtime…
I can understand your bad conscience, but you have to worry that you spend a lot of your day – and thus your life – in the job, and besides the fact that you finance your life with it, you should also find a certain fulfillment and a sense in your activity.
And if you get better conditions elsewhere, and this makes working day more pleasant, you should choose the new job offer
– as I read in your post, you’ve already made the decision.
Behavior after termination: I can only tell you how I handled it so far, with which I have always been well driven and how I find it useful – Bring your job to your way clean, don’t report “faul”-krank, if necessary, work your new colleagues in, and bring started work/projects to the team correctly, if they are no longer to be completed until you go.
They say “you always see yourself twice in life” and if possible you should keep the door open even with an ex-works, as you never know how life is. Of course, it always depends on the circumstances of termination and whether it is possible to separate in good.
It is, of course, annoying to the boss. But the trial period is for getting to know each other. Maybe they have a second candidate they can set spontaneously
01.03. another new working mate begins – my boss has real plans to “expand” – but in the gastronomy you find really little professionals; especially in the middle layer gastro it runs super bad
I hope he won’t be mad at me
It is understandable that you have a bad conscience – but must – You can explain the situation and justify your deception – they will have to understand that.
Is it normal that you only work a month and disappear again? Because I was even ordered professional clothing (although it is only rented) – you have invested money in me and then I just disappear
No, it’s not normal – but it happens and if the conditions at the other company are so much better, the understanding must have.
I myself – even though a long time ago – also announced in the propensity period.
You don’t have to. AG doesn’t have a bad conscience either if they’re gonna knock AN out.